Ingersoll Larpwood finally unveils their grifting
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That it was created in 2017 but transferred to new ownership in 2020. And that all of their "extension" companies are bullshit too. They pretend on the site like they are an established company.
I was just curious as I'd looked into myself. Yes to 2017, but looking at waybackmachine, no real content until 2020/21.
But also, searching the address, it is also home of which is a PR firm and a domain name registration date of 2008. Apparently the founder's last name is Patriot, so I don't know how Patriotic they are, and they're international. Plus in their clients, they have some pretty large corporations.
Seemingly being the same address, Ingersoll would appear to be a subsidiary, but on the other hand, it seems more something they would set up, or market, rather than run.