Camps are being staffed, control is being solidified, 1918 was the vax that caused the mass die off.
They are getting ready for the vax to do it’s job. We could see massive deaths coming this winter as the vaxxed start to die in droves. That’s why they’ll need the camps and the portion that didn’t take the vax will eventually have to bow to the government for food handouts. Every pede needs a victory garden!
If this happens the US economy and life as we know it will come to a screeching halt. Food and supply shortages will turn the citizenry into marauding looters killing each other to survive.
Thanks, democrats!
Maybe Trump and the White Hats have a plan to forestall this from occurring. Might as well hope and pray
This is the nasty truth not many of us are willing to admit or even more so, prepare for (as I have). If you are a student of history, you understand that this is EXACTLY what happens when the supply of food and drinkable water are cut.
If you are not ready to defend your shit against starving mothers and father of starving children ... you will want to go ahead and make peace with God when the shelves go empty for 3 full days. That's when you can start the clock. F
Week One: First it will be late night gun fire happening once or twice a night.
Week Two: More and more frequent.
Week Three: Police sirens will no longer be heard. They will have left the scene. Organized groups will have formed by now.
Week Four: The government will be preparing to seize food stores from Patriots that prepared. Govt will be enlisting former military and law enforcement still holding out to act as their armed centurions. Its either that or they and their family will starve with the rest.
Week Five-Six. Death is just another thing. Bodies will be everywhere. Basic services will be intermittent. The government will know where people are by utility usage.
Yes but I have no interest in surviving in a post-apocalyptic nightmare world of feral human beasts out to kill me and take whatever I might have to feed their starving rugrats.
I've lived a good life and will happily exit on MY own terms.