Camps are being staffed, control is being solidified, 1918 was the vax that caused the mass die off.
They are getting ready for the vax to do it’s job. We could see massive deaths coming this winter as the vaxxed start to die in droves. That’s why they’ll need the camps and the portion that didn’t take the vax will eventually have to bow to the government for food handouts. Every pede needs a victory garden!
But you need starch. It gets broken down into carbs then sugars which are ultimately stored as fat for later use. If trying to survive on lean game (rabbit, squirrel, etc.) potatoes would be critical. Look what happened to Ireland when their potato crop failed, mass starvation. You seem to be saying don't bother at all with them.
Grow whatever you like bro
I own a handful of these and grow a sick amount of food in them. It's incredible.
Wow. Thanks for the link, fren.