posted ago by Slyver ago by Slyver +17 / -0

In this thread I said:

Even the Constitution and DoI were inherently flawed. They have loopholes put in, I think by Banker influences (Hamilton e.g.), that allowed for future fuckery. We need a new country, or perhaps I should say, a new Government (which means a new Constitution). There is no other way.

Someone asked me:

What is wrong with the constitution.

Here is my response.

The DoI says this:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The original John Locke documents which are the philosophical basis for our government said:

Life, Liberty and Property

What the fuck is "Pursuit of Happiness" anyways? I mean, its flowery language. it has NO PURPOSE in a legal document. Saying "Property" on the other hand is very specific. Only a sovereign can own property (hint, you don't own your property, the bank does, even if your mortgage is paid off). By not including that word, it allowed for us to not be seen as sovereign, even though it was intended that we were proclaiming exactly that.

The constitution amendment 5 from the bill of rights says:

nor shall any person ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

So here we go back to Life, liberty and property, but it adds in the most important addendum from that time, from which all future fuckery stems.

nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

This addition says, exactly and precisely this: "The government is a higher sovereign than any person."

The government was supposed to be an equal sovereign. There is no such things as a "Hierarchy of Sovereigns". Either a group of sovereigns are equal, i.e. they are all kings and queens, or they are not all sovereign.

In this case the design was all people are kings and queens of their own life, liberty, and property (and all other rights given to sovereigns or inalienable). All equal, and all equal to the government. Not subordinate. A system where one sovereign is above the others is the same exact thing as saying there is only one sovereign, and everyone else is a vassel.

There can be no eminent domain laws in a group of equals. One sovereign can not legally go to another and demand their property. That is an act of war when it is among sovereigns, but is an act of sovereign right, when proclaimed on a vassal.

The constitution allowed for this sovereign right in only one direction. We are vassals to the government. That is the root of all removal of rights that has occurred since (and there have been many).