I appreciate purkiss80. I personally have not noticed the reposting you are speaking of, I'm just glad to get important info, regardless of who posts it. There are a few mega-posters here who seem to do all the heavy lifting and post prolifically. The fact that they repost at different times of day doesn't bother me because we are all in different time zones and we all come and go as we have a chance, so it's very easy to miss things. If you have seen the topic of the post, why not just keep scrolling? Or, if you actually believe something underhanded is going on, why not just alert the mods? They can keep an eye on things and take action if necessary.
I appreciate purkiss80. I personally have not noticed the reposting you are speaking of, I'm just glad to get important info, regardless of who posts it. There are a few mega-posters here who seem to do all the heavy lifting and post prolifically. The fact that they repost at different times of day doesn't bother me because we are all in different time zones and we all come and go as we have a chance, so it's very easy to miss things. If you have seen the topic of the post, why not just keep scrolling? Or, if you actually believe something underhanded is going on, why not just alert the mods? They can keep an eye on things and take action if necessary.
Thank you.... Spot on....Just scroll past....or if you suspect something then contact the Mods....