Australia police arresting woman, traumatizing her small, young child. F*CK every single one of you jack-boot Gestapo bastards. RISE UP AND FIGHT, AUSTRALIA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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Your 2A didn't save you from Biden? Just sayin!
Shut the fuck up. Honestly. We voted for trump and what do you think this entire process is for?
I'm starting to see anti American behavior from fucking Aussies on the same level as the smug Canadians I dealt with up north.
They aren't so smug anymore... And you shouldn't be either.
Settle down princess, Biden must have your knickers in a twist, lol! I don't doubt Trump won, but, your election process should never have come to this. It's third world stuff mate!
Yeah true.
It was early here and I didn't have my coffee yet.
No worries
All good. It takes a whole lot more than what you dished out to rattle an Aussie.