Australia police arresting woman, traumatizing her small, young child. F*CK every single one of you jack-boot Gestapo bastards. RISE UP AND FIGHT, AUSTRALIA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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We have the luxury of not having to protest. We also have a republic where states can override the federal government. We've been asleep to government tyranny for a decade but we're waking up to it, and we're in a much better position since we're to most armed citizenry in the world. I honestly don't get where you think Aussies can own guns, and I'm ignorant. I'm genuinely sick of aussies trying to tell us to give up our guns everytime there's a false flag.
It's "Aussies" the way it's "Americans" from liberal cities that say those things.
Kek! Stole that one 😂
Ya man, I'm not trying to start a rivalry here, but when someone gets all mad calling me ignorant because I bring up things that have actually happened, I mean you might not be able to DDG it, but ffs I remember it happening. Plus I had no idea people would get mad about this. It's true though.