Australia police arresting woman, traumatizing her small, young child. F*CK every single one of you jack-boot Gestapo bastards. RISE UP AND FIGHT, AUSTRALIA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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in whiny voice
"Please stop being corrupt. Can you please stop being corrupt?"
Power is the only thing that will make these people listen. Don't just sit there and give up your power Australians, fight back! Get physical, form gangs, learn to defend yourself!
These monsters have no morals and only care about their lives, everyone else could fucking die for all they care. This is not the British in India 100 years ago. This is a tyrannical government grabbing power! Peaceful protest won't have the same effect it had with Gandhi. You think the genocide of Jews, Russians, or Chinese were bad? Genocides are pretty common when you look at history and they happened quite a lot. You need to start thinking "am I going to be polite and open myself to genocide or am I not going to let that happen?"
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