So, my client wears 3 masks, is double vaxxed, maybe triple, daughter is a millennial pharmacist and they jabbed the 94 year old grandma and have isloated her in her home for 18 months. Grandma is anemic now, blood in stool...actually this 94 year old was healthier than the daughter and granddaughter (pharmacist) because the younger ones are both on psych meds for anxiety and depression, but its definitely NOT the jab. Definitely. Why do we listen to mentally ill people? 90% of all psychologists couches are liberals. Literally mentally ill people are deciding all the policies now. Its gonna be hell on earth here soon.
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The mentally ill have a need to achieve titles, degrees, and awards. They do this as proof that they are just as valid as normal society. The side effect is, they have infiltrated government and academy. People on antipsychotics should never be listened to, or obeyed.
I see this in my family. They cling to their pieces of paper that say they “memorized stuff good” (diplomas lol) as proof of superiority. They’re blithering narcissistic morons of the highest order. No doubt they’re good in their field, but otherwise they’re clueless. They all fell for the Covid propaganda hook line and sinker.
It is getting to be a "snowball effect". The more mentally ill people that get into the power structure, means they encourage more mentally ill to join their ranks.
When the majority of people sitting on a dissertation committee have mental health issues, good luck getting a doctorate if you don't.
Well some of us just wanted to do basic research in a STEM field. You mostly need to get your PhD to get a foot in the door.