Ah, the Grateful Dead ice cream. A band that had a songwriter- John Perry Barlow who also just so happened to be involved with the CIA, and Hollywood. A band that lured young folk into secluded forest's all over the country while miraculously having a never ending supply of laboratory created LSD- coincidentally while the CIA was conducting outlawed human testing through the MK-Ultra program. A band who's logo is oddly taken from Iranian mythos. No surprise that their legacy supports anti-American agendas.
Ben and Jerry are a couple of old hippy pedos.
I'm eagerly awaiting a patriotic ice cream company to compete with those communist hippies.
Already on it:
Further info:
Ah, the Grateful Dead ice cream. A band that had a songwriter- John Perry Barlow who also just so happened to be involved with the CIA, and Hollywood. A band that lured young folk into secluded forest's all over the country while miraculously having a never ending supply of laboratory created LSD- coincidentally while the CIA was conducting outlawed human testing through the MK-Ultra program. A band who's logo is oddly taken from Iranian mythos. No surprise that their legacy supports anti-American agendas.
Ben and Jerry’s eat shit.
The name is "Free Stuff at WalMart".....