I am very familiar with ancient Chinese history, and China refusing trade is not at all an example of China exercising self-destruction for the sake of ego, as they were not dependent on the prospective trade whatsoever. This is merely an example of their historic pride and caution of foreign influence, they didn't need to buy from Britain at the time, but China has many times capitulated on this point when their survival actually depended on it.
They don't need to destroy Taiwan to control their microcontroller tech, China has adopted colonialism.
I'm sorry. but this notion doesn't seem well thought out or based in any history or observed reality at all.
"They don't need to destroy Taiwan to control their microcontroller tech, China has adopted colonialism"
I'm not talking microcontroller size, I'm talking transistor size, the basis of every computer chip.
They are not be able to outcompete Taiwan in transistor size. Taiwan still makes by far the best quality and smallest transistors in the world and it would take the world about 10 years to catch up to Taiwan, if Taiwan's factories magically blew up. China is nowhere on the same level as Taiwan which is why they still buy almost all of their silicon chips from TSMC (Taiwan Silicon Manufacturing Company). If they blew up Taiwan, you'd have a crash in the computer industry then a race to build back to what Taiwan has, it would be a decent gamble by China since they have more people overall and more expertise in electronics than the US currently which focuses on software.
I don't understand the point of this deflection in your argument. You talking about transistors specifically and not microcontrollers literally does not do anything at all to back the notion that China would cripple themselves for no good reason by literally bombing and destroying Taiwan instead of continuing to assert colonial-type control over them. They already claim their land now, they virtually own Taiwan already, and you think they'll bomb industries that they consider to be their own property? I get it, you are living in a fantasy land where China will destroy themselves out of ego because you think they're stupid. Sorry, I'm not wasting my time anymore on this topic because you aren't addressing the reasoning behind my counter-argument at all.
It wouldn't just cripple China it would cripple the whole world because literally all of the world depends on Taiwan. Taiwan is very clearly and never will be an ally of China, it is an ally of the US. Knock out Taiwan and yes China cripples itself but also cripples US and Europe. China does have the knowledge and expertise to create silicon manufacturing plants as they deal a lot more in manufacturing hardware and electronics than the US and Europe.
Yes, everyone is crippled but China has the upper hand in a race for for the best hardware, they'll have knocked out the main US supply. They'll have also infiltrated every major US company to spy and send back reports on how US is progressing and any good innovations.
Essentially, China would make its people suffer for a period of time but would have a good chance coming out on top.
(Oct 12, 2020) Xi Jinping tells marines to focus on ‘preparing to go to war’ in military base visit
As someone very intimately familiar with the field, I think it is hilarious for you to claim that China is just as capable as the US in silicon production. Do you realize that they cannot even start the reactors themselves, and must contract US chemical engineers to both set up and run their plants for them? They don’t have a clue what they are doing.
Your notion is literally just a product of a wild imagination.
I am very familiar with ancient Chinese history, and China refusing trade is not at all an example of China exercising self-destruction for the sake of ego, as they were not dependent on the prospective trade whatsoever. This is merely an example of their historic pride and caution of foreign influence, they didn't need to buy from Britain at the time, but China has many times capitulated on this point when their survival actually depended on it.
They don't need to destroy Taiwan to control their microcontroller tech, China has adopted colonialism.
I'm sorry. but this notion doesn't seem well thought out or based in any history or observed reality at all.
I'm not talking microcontroller size, I'm talking transistor size, the basis of every computer chip. They are not be able to outcompete Taiwan in transistor size. Taiwan still makes by far the best quality and smallest transistors in the world and it would take the world about 10 years to catch up to Taiwan, if Taiwan's factories magically blew up. China is nowhere on the same level as Taiwan which is why they still buy almost all of their silicon chips from TSMC (Taiwan Silicon Manufacturing Company). If they blew up Taiwan, you'd have a crash in the computer industry then a race to build back to what Taiwan has, it would be a decent gamble by China since they have more people overall and more expertise in electronics than the US currently which focuses on software.
I don't understand the point of this deflection in your argument. You talking about transistors specifically and not microcontrollers literally does not do anything at all to back the notion that China would cripple themselves for no good reason by literally bombing and destroying Taiwan instead of continuing to assert colonial-type control over them. They already claim their land now, they virtually own Taiwan already, and you think they'll bomb industries that they consider to be their own property? I get it, you are living in a fantasy land where China will destroy themselves out of ego because you think they're stupid. Sorry, I'm not wasting my time anymore on this topic because you aren't addressing the reasoning behind my counter-argument at all.
It wouldn't just cripple China it would cripple the whole world because literally all of the world depends on Taiwan. Taiwan is very clearly and never will be an ally of China, it is an ally of the US. Knock out Taiwan and yes China cripples itself but also cripples US and Europe. China does have the knowledge and expertise to create silicon manufacturing plants as they deal a lot more in manufacturing hardware and electronics than the US and Europe.
Yes, everyone is crippled but China has the upper hand in a race for for the best hardware, they'll have knocked out the main US supply. They'll have also infiltrated every major US company to spy and send back reports on how US is progressing and any good innovations.
Essentially, China would make its people suffer for a period of time but would have a good chance coming out on top.
(Oct 12, 2020) Xi Jinping tells marines to focus on ‘preparing to go to war’ in military base visit
(August 20, 2021) China Sends NUCLEAR BOMBERS to Taiwan
(Sep 2, 2021) Xi Jinping to Upper Class Chinese Students: Don't expect an easy life. Be prepared to struggle
https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3147337/dont-expect-easy-life-and-be-ready-struggle-chinese-president https://archive.ph/evrVc
(Sep 6, 2021) China Sends 19 Nuclear Bombers & Fighter Jets Near Taiwan’s Air Defence Zone l PLA To Invade Taiwan?
As someone very intimately familiar with the field, I think it is hilarious for you to claim that China is just as capable as the US in silicon production. Do you realize that they cannot even start the reactors themselves, and must contract US chemical engineers to both set up and run their plants for them? They don’t have a clue what they are doing.
Your notion is literally just a product of a wild imagination.