NY Governer to hospital workers, "Get vaxed or get replaced with immigrants"
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i think this governor should be replaced by immigrants
But they still have to be licensed in the state. Empty threat. Can you expect a haitian plantation worker to give a shot or draw blood?
And GUESS WHAT the immigrants arent vaxed either!
Could this be one of the reasons why they're allowing the flood of illegals?
So fucking tired of FUCKING threats to the people already , GO FUCK YOURSELF CUNT , just another 2 faced anti American sellout , that will pay in the end
Migrants are allowed to not be vaxxed cause they aren't planning on staying, racist!
If they're not staying they dont need jobs.....or welfare.....food stamps.....phones...... credit/debit card..... hotel rooms..... medical insurance.....
Oh, I agree. I was being facetious, but I guess people are wound so tight today, sarcasm slips under the radar.
wow, americans need a civil war.
She's just following in Cuomo's footsteps. . . .I believe she's talking about loosening restrictions on countries like the Philipines to get skilled medical personnel. SUNY Downstate (serving the Bronx) looks like it might be in really bad shape after the mandate takes effect on the 27th.
Isn’t she the piglosi cloned friend ..never let a cuomo crisis go to waste
They will get replaced either way in that shithole