Ummm, Mr. Wood? That's a BIBLE you're holding. GAW is CALLING YOU OUT, sir. You need to get your house in order, fast! (See comment)
👀 EYES ON! 👀
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In reality we all SHOULD be calling this out.
Paytriots taking advantage is a real issue and this could bilk a lot of like minded people out of a lot of that should be going to free the J6 political prisoners.
That may be, but it's up to US. It's not up to catsfive to speak for us.
Only a total fuckwit thinks that I'm "actually" speaking for you or stealing your free speech or some such nonsense with this
Guess I didn't consider the fuckwit factor. We see you pearl-clutching rehabs in church. "How dare you utter Hitler's name in this hallowed sanctuary?? WORDS TEH MATTER!!!1!"
Moving on