I say leave it up. Dont be like the dems. Show future generations proof there were sick fucks with massive amounts of power and money thinking this way.
They'll clame video is faked, moon landing, ww2, any other problematic historic moment. Remember some people are so stubborn only slapping them in the face with cold hard artifacts will work.
I say leave it up. Dont be like the dems. Show future generations proof there were sick fucks with massive amounts of power and money thinking this way.
I say show up with sledgehammers. Video proof is enough evidence that the shit existed.
They'll clame video is faked, moon landing, ww2, any other problematic historic moment. Remember some people are so stubborn only slapping them in the face with cold hard artifacts will work.
You'd be repeating the same sin to history as BLM did.
I dont like it, but I want it to stand as a proof of our struggles.
Politicians out first. We can worry about their tokens bullcrap later.