Official Cyber Ninjas Report of Maricopa County Audit
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bUt dR.sHiVA said!!
Dude who cares what he said. So do you now think even the auditors are incorrect? The same auditors Donald Trump backs?
So now we believe him over the auditors and Senator or Arizona Wendy Rogers are relying on to do the audit?
The people who did the audit and plan to continue to do stated this, Dr,Shiva's presentation has zero input in what is going on.
WE NEED TO STAY FOCUSED. And make sure they do not try to back out of decertification.
Agree on decertification, there was clearly fraud and destruction of data that should be preserved for 22 months. And there is only one reason to destroy it, prevent the audit from learning the truth.
My point, badly worded I guess, is why would the AZ Senate have a presentation that conflicts with their audit management company? And then my point about the statement is maybe it doesn’t conflict at all, counterfeit ballots are not altered, they’re just fake. Guess, I’ve become so accustomed to game playing, I suspected something here that might later lead to a more conclusive win for MAGA.