Derp. Who said the news is a favor? I'm talking about the cowardly Arizona GOP. Derp derp. You can understand how MSM works without approving of MSM. Get a little more sophisticated, anon.
What a response. Who gives a shit about the news cycle. If they release it in the middle of the weak, it competes with mass shootings and bidan bullshit. You stating that they released it on Friday because it's the end of the news cycle, basically states you expect if it were released on Monday for the news to do us a favor and spread the truth world wide. And you tell me to become more sophisticated lmao, sounds like projection to me. Stop speaking bullshit and acting like a libtard.
Derp. Derp. Who gives a shit about news cycle? Everyone who isn't already getting their news from GEOTUS and allies.
YOU will find out about the audit from your sources, but many millions of Americans get their news from MSM. AZ GOP has ditched this audit and let the headlines read "Biden gets more votes". Stupid. The AZ Republicans could have made a bigger stand in the MSM. If they wanted to come out guns blazing and HANDLE this audit report they would.
And btw there brilliant one, it's the day before a Trump rally, which millions of people will watch......sounds like that is plenty of publicity. You should really get it together and maybe stop thinking you know all.
Derp. Derp. You don't know that Friday news drops minimize news? Derp.
A Trump rally will always communicate with the faithful. To get news out to the faithful is not time sensitive. The rally will always communicate to those who attend.
To use MSM, one must know how MSM operates. You don't. It's okay. You get your news from the pipeline. But for those of us who operate in a larger sphere, we need to know how news is transmitted to the world. In this case, the AZ GOP all but disowned the report. This is the message that will be transmitted to the world. You lack sophistication. Stick to discussing matters that are explained to you and told to you by GEOTUS.
When does msm do anything good for us? Stop acting like the news is a real thing.
Derp. Who said the news is a favor? I'm talking about the cowardly Arizona GOP. Derp derp. You can understand how MSM works without approving of MSM. Get a little more sophisticated, anon.
What a response. Who gives a shit about the news cycle. If they release it in the middle of the weak, it competes with mass shootings and bidan bullshit. You stating that they released it on Friday because it's the end of the news cycle, basically states you expect if it were released on Monday for the news to do us a favor and spread the truth world wide. And you tell me to become more sophisticated lmao, sounds like projection to me. Stop speaking bullshit and acting like a libtard.
Derp. Derp. Who gives a shit about news cycle? Everyone who isn't already getting their news from GEOTUS and allies.
YOU will find out about the audit from your sources, but many millions of Americans get their news from MSM. AZ GOP has ditched this audit and let the headlines read "Biden gets more votes". Stupid. The AZ Republicans could have made a bigger stand in the MSM. If they wanted to come out guns blazing and HANDLE this audit report they would.
We are the news, not sure what else to say. You can tell you are a child tho, good luck with life. Take care.
And btw there brilliant one, it's the day before a Trump rally, which millions of people will watch......sounds like that is plenty of publicity. You should really get it together and maybe stop thinking you know all.
Derp. Derp. You don't know that Friday news drops minimize news? Derp.
A Trump rally will always communicate with the faithful. To get news out to the faithful is not time sensitive. The rally will always communicate to those who attend.
To use MSM, one must know how MSM operates. You don't. It's okay. You get your news from the pipeline. But for those of us who operate in a larger sphere, we need to know how news is transmitted to the world. In this case, the AZ GOP all but disowned the report. This is the message that will be transmitted to the world. You lack sophistication. Stick to discussing matters that are explained to you and told to you by GEOTUS.
You just will never understand.