Updated below
She had a deposition of Dominion exec yesterday.
- There was a back door to the voting machines built in from the very beginning, starting back in 2003
- Government owns patent to access these machines
- Government has patent from 2006 to pre-determine outcome of elections (Defense Dept)
- Since 2005, a small group of people have owned all the patents on all the voting machines
- Real-time monitoring of elections
- Real-time changing of election results
- Dominion assigned its patents one year before election to ... Hong Kong Shanghai Bank of China
- Voting machines allow external access
- Dominion had 8-10 code writers in Serbia
- CIA owns Serbia
- Hunter Biden (think: Joe Biden) has dealings in Serbia
Then ... she dropped THIS:
2005 patent was not filed by Department of Defense, but by ...
She did not mention the name, but WHO runs NIH? TONY FAUCI !!!
Live on Lindell TV now.
She will be updating legal docs on her website later.
UPDATE: It is easier to just update this OP than to respond to everyone. The interview was done by Brannon Howse, live on Lindell TV. It was also re-run later that night. Both Lindell and Powell come up with great stuff, but they both do a horrible job of publishing interviews so the interviews can be viewed later. I haven't seen this one posted anywhere. So, it is all from memory. I got a couple of things wrong, but the gist of it is accurate.
Powell deposed a Dominion exec on 9/23 (not 9/24). She mentioned this, and then launched into point after point about the election machines. So, I don't know for sure how much of it she got from the deposition and how much from other sources, but it all came out of her mouth. I posted this OP while trying to remember everything she said. It was so shocking, I thought it should be spread.
She said she was planning on filing a response to Dominon's lawsuit within a matter of days, and that those documents would be very interesting reading for everyone. She said those will be published on her website(s).
It was a deposition, so it is not for public viewing, unless someone who has access to it posts it. This is not a government document that can be FOIA'd. It is a private lawsuit. Maybe it will be released, maybe not. A transcript of it might be included in the case file, which would show up on Pacer.USCourts.gov, if they publish that. Her lawsuit response will reference all this stuff, she said. She said she would upload to her website, but not clear which one.
Her websites are:
She is NOT a "webmaster guru." Her focus is not on her website, and she sucks at providing all this stuff. Lindell does, too. But it's what we have to work with.
Thanks to those who pointed out that Fauci is not the director of NIH, but is director of NIAID. I forgot about that. Wikipedia says that Fauci has been offered the NIH director job multiple times and has always turned it down. Probably because his position is more powerful. He decides who gets the government grants.
Thanks for all responses. Watch for her drops in the coming days.
If it's a deposition, it's recorded. Worst case is a transcript from stenographer. But probably video'd also, so both sides can check the steno's record.