Today in Q History, Sept 25
These posts are meant to show us what happened on this date in Q History. The opening text will always repeat itself under the assumption that we will have new visitors possibly seeing this for the first time. Scroll down to the images for to see the daily posts.
Discussion from Anons of that time would be great & anyone who had the foresight to save what are now deleted videos & links would be a tremendous help to new members looking for truth & answers.
I hope these help others who are trying to figure this all out. I hope this helps others break it down & offers insight for future generations regarding truth vs the corruption that centralized governments bring. Speculation , old ideas & new ideas are all very welcome.
These dates & deltas are all found from>Menu>Quick Links>Deltas
The deltas link for today are:
Tools that fellow Anons have shared with me are (Thank you Greekish, SaveAmerica2021, & Captain Quip):
- Q Shorthand Reference-
- Trump Tweet archive:
- VOAT Archive & Search-
- I will add more as new tools to help learn as they are offered. New visitors, using a computer web browser you will see many tools & links in the side bar. For those who almost exclusively use phones (as I did until I needed to switch for this project) I know that setting your phone to use "Desktop Browser" will show the side bar. Depending on the phone & browser you may or may not get it by hitting the menu/hamburger icon.
1 Year Deltas
Well with this AZ Audit happening yesterday the way it did, this Last of the Mohicans music certainly feels like high energy to get out & fight for your country & what is right. Also coupled with the US flag in the open bay of that plane. Where is that plane flying over? Does anyone know? u/#q4765
Woah there. The Fox News link tells me that the "Platinum Plan" would make lynching (edit, changed typo lunching) a national hate crime Fox News obtained a copy of the "Platinum Plan." It states that it will “prosecute the KKK and ANTIFA as terrorist organizations and make lynching a national hate crime.”. Did the cabal/deep state need to cover their backs & make sure that if any of them got lynched for the election steal/any treasonous acts, that the rest would be able to prosecute the citizens for demanding justice? Now I do not suggest that we simply go string them all up, though after a military tribunal hanging them all would send a pretty clear message. Also that second step act is something our nation has needed for a very long time. Back to the post itself, will all deep state members who have supported ANTIFA (maybe FBI) be charged with supporting terrorists at some point, like with the FBI's Jan 6 debacle? Using fear for political purposes qualifies as an act of terrorism IIRC. u/#q4766
I am curious what the easy path is. I figure it is to not draw out a legal fight, though in light of what happened with the AZ Audit I wonder if there is a connection here? u/#q4767
We can only hope. Will this be the nation judging the corruption? Military Tribunals judging traitors? Will this only be done when our Savior comes again? I tend to lean towards a public judgement & a military tribunal combo that is a precursor to our Savior's return to finish up the judgement of all. What do you think this could mean? If I was an Anon reading this a year ago, I may have become very frustrated that judgement didn't happen before now to the evil secret combinations/conspirators. Though if we learn enough about the Law of War & the legal system we can see this is the only peaceful way. If we are to follow the Prince of Peace, I believe we must give every opportunity to turn back to him & if that path is not chosen by the offenders then a swift & vengeful wrath will and should come down upon those who clearly have zero remorse. u/#q4768
We were told that this tweet was worth remembering! Think what you now know. Holy kek this has so many layers that I don't even mind that it seems like an onion wrapped in a parfait lol Did Comey actually write this? I think he was around at the time still & so he must have been writing it about himself if that is the case. Though reading that tweet with what has been exposed in the past year we can see that there was spying, good guys did do what was needed to fix this nation, and now we are all waking up! Maybe I am reading too much into this & if so I blame the music, plane pic & the AZ Audit to straight to the veins today! What am I missing here older anons? What did you guys know at that time & why did you think it was worth remembering at the time? u/#q4769
Today I have seen multiple posts about a call for 21 days of Prayer. I think this was something Trump asked us all to do recently wasn't it? Maybe I didn't get that right. Now I see this "Done in 30" think that is closely lined up with 21 days of prayer. To all who are reading this, pray like our country, your life, and your neighbor's lives depend on it! Pray & I suggest to offer comfort & hope to the masses as we go through whatever is coming down the pipe line. I don't know if we will see the the White House properly cleaned & our Republic restored as God had intended it to be run, but I have high hopes after today! u/#q4770
A year ago would any of us believe how wide & rampant the election fraud was? If many or most of us would not have believed it, how would any normie (ie focused on working just to pay the bills & raise your family the best they can) even consider it a real issue. I don't know if the election fraud exposed today on a massive scale is part of Obamagate, but that image is awesome. Also I can see that there is some rebranding going on here. u/WinsAnon posting more than wins, moving towards a massive lawsuit project with a call to action for all who can assist ? That timing is fantastic! I recently decided to begin these posts so that we can have them for posterity & lurkers/new visitors/future students can more easily see what anons during that time were thinking & what we are discussing with more insight over a year after the posts were given, Q can much more easily be considered conspiracy fact instead of the former theory. There are multiple ways we would read rebranding into this & I wonder if anyone else is rebranding themselves currently? What were you guys thinking was going on with this at the time? (edit- Seems the quoted post isn't put up here.
u/#q4771 -
I just cannot bring myself to not connect what happened on the 24th (yesterday) with the AZ Audit reports to this Q drop. u/Malamutememer posted this The Fake News guys just couldn't help but jump immediately at initial info "leaked" about the audit so they could be the "most relevant". They have absolutely no idea how under prepared they are for this fight. What were you guys thinking about this drop back in the day? u/#q4772
3 Year Deltas - None came up in today, but I have seen them the following day in the past, so I will update this tomorrow if that happens again.
Holy shit!!! Nail on the head fren