Yesterday, I missed something...but this morning I'm dancing with glee.
Many of us (myself included) watched the presentations while yelling at the screen to 'Hurry up and Drop the Bombs!'
That pent-up energy comes from two places.
First, we want to see justice done.
Second, we want to see all the proof clearly laid out in order to confirm our theories.
And that's the important part --- we still have theories.
But there is one (small) group out there that really knows what happened - and they were the audience for yesterday's presentation.
The criminals that actually committed the crime know exactly what they did.
They already knew that the ballot counts would be (approximately) correct. (Because they had slipped in enough fake ballots to match the computer flip.)
But the presentation told them that the paper analysis is still coming, and the microscope cameras could easily pick up the difference between ballots filled in by pen or simply printed by a laser printer. (Therefore, the fake ballots have already been caught...)
The presentation told them that they were able to identify the exact person that wiped the election database (the day before the audit started). That person likely thought that they were completely untraceable (because everyone used the same login). Yesterday, they found out that the audit caught them individually.
I suspect that every single person that thought they were untraceable had a rough time sleeping last night. For two reasons...
First, the thought of going to prison.
Second, because they are now a 'low-level loose end' for some very dangerous people.
Suicide weekend? Will some people take the easy way out? Will some people be 'disposed of'?
Last but not least - this crime was coordinated over several states. The criminals in those other states now know that the audits can catch them.
If you view yesterday's presentation as if you were one of the criminals, you'll have a very different perspective.
I suspect the 'Witness Protection Hotline' might see some action this weekend...
Love it