Guess again, Ducey
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DAYUM He had one final chance to do the RIGHT thing and he blew it. Time for the Gallows Pole
Who is paying you to betray the United States, Ducey?
What was your price?
We must follow the law!
Unless the law gets in our way. Then we push it aside and acts like it doesn't exist, but trust us. We follow the law. Sure it's nothing more than a shield for us to beat you with, it but technically we are 'following' the law.
Never trust people who tell you something can't be done because of the law. Thousands of lawyers getting paid to argue almost everything in court, proves that wrong.
"No lawful way to decertify" translates directly to "well if we already stole it like you just have to let us. The constitution operates on no taksies backsies".
these people are stupid
Names that makes it easy.......