TRUST THE PLAN. IT IS UNFOLDING. But, OK, bois and xirls, what's next in that plan? Indictments? Prosecutions in AZ? The audit still has things to drop that weren't presented, Friday. Do those come out, and then something else happens? What would that be? And Durham is rolling, does that accelerate?
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You mean attempted gun confiscation? I don't know of anyone that's hand their gins over. After trying gun confiscation at the first thousand patriot houses .gov would quickly run out of commies tyrant jackbooted thugs. Im good for at least a dozen.
Yeah of course. This show is for people who keep saying "They would never do that".
Right on brother. They can have my guns over my dead body and a bunch of theirs when they clean up the scene. Not happening. We are a free country and the Constitution is my standard. Idgaf about any bullshit law, case law, interpretation, legal opinion or order that contradicts the 2A of our Constitution. Period. They can get fucked. I will die for that shit. I served my country for all of our rights. I hate these fucking commies. Q cant take them.out soon enough.
They just passed that red alert bill. That's a gun grab.
Yep, thats why I felt its not a coincidence.