If China is coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO and "China" (not the CCP) is making troop / military assets (planes / ships) demonstrations as regard to Taiwan... then logically there is "something rotten in the state of Denmark."
Taiwan (not "Chinese Taipei") is merely the island where the government of the Republic of China has been stuck in exile since 1947. Hopefully in due time, the Communist occupiers will be ousted and the legitimate Chinese government restored. It would make sense that the ROC would be allies in the war against the NWO/DS/cabal... the US has been building them up as a proxy army for decades. Nixon should have never made the change to recognize the CCP as the "ruling power" and fucked the ROC out of UN representation.
What does Q have to say about Taiwan?
Isn't that interesting.
That was a great episode 👍🏽
Nothing directly, unless it is abbreviated.
That "nothing" directly speaks volumes.
"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"
If China is coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO and "China" (not the CCP) is making troop / military assets (planes / ships) demonstrations as regard to Taiwan... then logically there is "something rotten in the state of Denmark."
"80% covert."
"20% public."
What if "Taiwan" is under the same influence of puppet masters as the United States.
Lots of Pentagon and Establishment Democrat and Republican support for "Taiwan."
cc: u/MAGAdeburger , u/v8power
Taiwan (not "Chinese Taipei") is merely the island where the government of the Republic of China has been stuck in exile since 1947. Hopefully in due time, the Communist occupiers will be ousted and the legitimate Chinese government restored. It would make sense that the ROC would be allies in the war against the NWO/DS/cabal... the US has been building them up as a proxy army for decades. Nixon should have never made the change to recognize the CCP as the "ruling power" and fucked the ROC out of UN representation.