After doing some research into the vaccine and the corporation which developed it, I eventually came to the conclusion that Pfizer-Biontech was the best vaccine for me not to take.
So I made no appointment with my doctor and on the 30th of January I didn't get my shot. It didn't hurt at all and was over in no time, since it didn't occur.
Ever since then, I've been feeling great.
The first thing I noticed was that I didn't get any swelling or rashes on my upper arm where the vaccine wasn't injected.
The rest of the day I didn't feel nauseous or experienced light headaches.
When I went to bed I fell asleep almost immediately and didn't suffer from insomnia the rest of the night.
The following days and weeks I continued to closely monitor my body's reaction to not getting the shot.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that I did not develop any fevers, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, general fatigue or weight loss.
On the 6th of February I didn't suddenly collapse and wasn't rushed to the ICU of my local hospital.
I wasn't diagnosed with a mild stroke due to a blood clot and wasn't medicated with blood thinners.
There was no need to keep me in the hospital for several days for observation, since I never arrived.
Since then, I haven't spent most time indoors and I don't miss going on long strolls, which I take daily.
Although I had been told that not getting vaccinated may not adequately protect me from infection with the 'Wuhan Flu', I was amazed to find that I have still not contracted the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Mu, Sigma or Ligma variant of the virus.
Please do your own research and find out which version of the vaccine is best for you to not take.
Stay healthy and stay safe, God bless.
Due to my own extensive research I decided to not get one of every shot. I wasn't sure at first if one was perhaps better or worse than any other, but after my research I decided that each one was on about equal footing with regards to efficacy and side effects.
Since not getting one of every shot, I have had similar experiences to you. No heart palpitations. No inflammation. No clotting. I think if I were to get a D-dimer test it would almost certainly show negative. In the past year I have honestly felt better than ever before in my life. And that's after not getting ONE OF EVERY VARIETY!!!
I can't really express the happiness with my decision to not be discriminatory and go for not getting one of every one. It was a very freeing decision, and has helped me red-pill the world.
I highly recommend not getting one of every one for everyone.