Trade in stock market daily and their is all kinds of fuckery going on right now. Yesterday Level 2 prices were all messed up so you couldn't see bid/ask and today at least 5 different tickers that are being heavily shorted all massively dropped at the exact same time after running up huge all day. IMO market crash is coming soon. The corruption in EVERYTHIING is starting to be exposed to the people not yet awake. They will see it in gas prices, retirement account, stock market, groceries, etc.
keep your head about you. if it comes crashing we will need you. the left is pure evil. they will be the ones pointing blaming and stirring up the mob looking for scape goats.
i felt weird typing this out like it is larping but after what we have seen happen over the last few years it is hard to rule anything out.
been asking god a lot if he is seeing how crazy these people are...
I am always happy to help any other patriot out there. I will give periodic updates on crazy shit I am seeing in the market. Right now any oil stock is gold. Also I have been cashing out my account periodically to load up on gold and silver. Not paper gold or silver, but white you can actually hole in your hands.
So pede, if you don't mind. Let me ask you a question. I have a retirement account from my 5 years working for a state gov. It's valued at 33k right now before tax / penalty. If I leave it in until 62, which is 24 years from now, I'd get $380 a month until I die. After taxes and penalty, it is roughly 25k assuming a 22% tax rate. Furthermore, I did a calculation on the value of my potential 25k today and it's value in 24 years assuming a 3% inflation rate per year. That makes it like 91k. To make that much at at $380/ would take 20 years. Do I pull it, use some on my house and some on silver or do I leave it. Just looking for another person who is financially savvy (sounds like you are) like I am. Thanks in advance.
They're probably bundled together in swaps. Media is like "meme stocks"... oh do you mean "illegally shorted into oblivion stocks". Look at the tickers for "bankrupted" companies too (sears, blockbuster etc )...zombie stocks arise!
I hope lol. Check CEI tomorrow. 100% not financial advice but a huge risk/reward if you get in early tomorrow and watch over next few days. Lots of shorts trapped. 5 halts today during trading hours 😉
Obama's "awesome" market performance was due to the real estate crash. He was inaugurated near the bottom. Stocks had nowhere to go but up.
The only reason stocks "grew" was due to QE and Porkulus devaluing the dollar. It's basically the same reason why stocks didn't crash thru the floor when Trump was POTUS during COVID... All of that deficit spending, sorry, 'stimulus', cheapens the dollar ... Stocks rise as a result due to inflation, not growth.
Clinton's market was flat until the Rs won the House in 1994. People we're spooked by possible liberal spending. Growth didn't continue until Gingrich's Contract with America. Moreover, the .com bubble distorted the market badly heading into the 'W-tard' Bush years. The media went from declaring the end of the business cycle in late 1999-2000 to "Bush's fault" in January 2001.
Moreover, both Bush and Clinton benefited from the end of the cold war engineered by Reagan (who was loathed as badly as Trump by the scumbag liberals all over the fucking planet as well as the war obsessed Neocons here at home (Neocons aren't conservatives ... They're liberals that like war wayyyyy too much). That peace dividend probably did more for the economy over the past 30 years than anything else.
So, yeah, just looking at raw numbers, you are right ... But the gains are all an illusion.
Fair retort but Quantitative easing ended in October 2014 and stock market still ripped from 14-16 under Obama.
Furthermore if you were to chalk up Obama gains to deficit spending, Trump's 4 years saw the deficit massively exceed any Obama years. Partially due to Covid but also due to Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy:
So under Trump GDP and stock gains underperformed the Obama years, despite the fact that Trump presided over larger deficits and lower taxes on the top 1%.
It's going to get worse, to piss off the brainwashed enough to start paying attention, before it gets better. I'd wager a full economic crash
Trade in stock market daily and their is all kinds of fuckery going on right now. Yesterday Level 2 prices were all messed up so you couldn't see bid/ask and today at least 5 different tickers that are being heavily shorted all massively dropped at the exact same time after running up huge all day. IMO market crash is coming soon. The corruption in EVERYTHIING is starting to be exposed to the people not yet awake. They will see it in gas prices, retirement account, stock market, groceries, etc.
keep your head about you. if it comes crashing we will need you. the left is pure evil. they will be the ones pointing blaming and stirring up the mob looking for scape goats.
i felt weird typing this out like it is larping but after what we have seen happen over the last few years it is hard to rule anything out.
been asking god a lot if he is seeing how crazy these people are...
I am always happy to help any other patriot out there. I will give periodic updates on crazy shit I am seeing in the market. Right now any oil stock is gold. Also I have been cashing out my account periodically to load up on gold and silver. Not paper gold or silver, but white you can actually hole in your hands.
So pede, if you don't mind. Let me ask you a question. I have a retirement account from my 5 years working for a state gov. It's valued at 33k right now before tax / penalty. If I leave it in until 62, which is 24 years from now, I'd get $380 a month until I die. After taxes and penalty, it is roughly 25k assuming a 22% tax rate. Furthermore, I did a calculation on the value of my potential 25k today and it's value in 24 years assuming a 3% inflation rate per year. That makes it like 91k. To make that much at at $380/ would take 20 years. Do I pull it, use some on my house and some on silver or do I leave it. Just looking for another person who is financially savvy (sounds like you are) like I am. Thanks in advance.
They're probably bundled together in swaps. Media is like "meme stocks"... oh do you mean "illegally shorted into oblivion stocks". Look at the tickers for "bankrupted" companies too (sears, blockbuster etc )...zombie stocks arise!
I hope lol. Check CEI tomorrow. 100% not financial advice but a huge risk/reward if you get in early tomorrow and watch over next few days. Lots of shorts trapped. 5 halts today during trading hours 😉
Obama's "awesome" market performance was due to the real estate crash. He was inaugurated near the bottom. Stocks had nowhere to go but up.
The only reason stocks "grew" was due to QE and Porkulus devaluing the dollar. It's basically the same reason why stocks didn't crash thru the floor when Trump was POTUS during COVID... All of that deficit spending, sorry, 'stimulus', cheapens the dollar ... Stocks rise as a result due to inflation, not growth.
Clinton's market was flat until the Rs won the House in 1994. People we're spooked by possible liberal spending. Growth didn't continue until Gingrich's Contract with America. Moreover, the .com bubble distorted the market badly heading into the 'W-tard' Bush years. The media went from declaring the end of the business cycle in late 1999-2000 to "Bush's fault" in January 2001.
Moreover, both Bush and Clinton benefited from the end of the cold war engineered by Reagan (who was loathed as badly as Trump by the scumbag liberals all over the fucking planet as well as the war obsessed Neocons here at home (Neocons aren't conservatives ... They're liberals that like war wayyyyy too much). That peace dividend probably did more for the economy over the past 30 years than anything else.
So, yeah, just looking at raw numbers, you are right ... But the gains are all an illusion.
Fair retort but Quantitative easing ended in October 2014 and stock market still ripped from 14-16 under Obama.
Furthermore if you were to chalk up Obama gains to deficit spending, Trump's 4 years saw the deficit massively exceed any Obama years. Partially due to Covid but also due to Trump's tax cuts for the wealthy:
Also QE resumed under Trump in 2019.
So under Trump GDP and stock gains underperformed the Obama years, despite the fact that Trump presided over larger deficits and lower taxes on the top 1%.
Agree about neocons though.
This is a copy paste script. Shill.
I will pay you 1 million dollars if you can find my above response written anywhere else, anywhere on the internet.
Sorry bro, not a copy/paste.