What in the actual fuck
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Idiots get what they deserve. If they and others like them has simply refused the clot shots we would not be in this bad place. Fark em.
I get it. But the baby is innocent in the matter. Disregard for human life got us in this mess To begin with.
I actually agree that the baby is awful and sad that the child is like that. BUT it is squarely on the hands of the unfit parents. They should be shamed and mocked. They did this, make them feel bad for their farkup
I live in DC suburbs. These people will walk into a wood chipper if the party tells them to. I’m so glad I’m getting out after decades.
I got outta Maryland a year ago & will never look back. EGRESS!!! EVACUATE ASAP!!! 😂💕
I feel bad for the likely to be dead baby but I agree, I'm so done being civilized with these sort of people. Speak back to them in the language that they understand.
Exactally, they would wish death on us, but we always hold back because we are better then them. I say enough already, I wish them ill health.