August 22 Tokyo Medical Assoc. Chairman Recommends Ivermectin for Doctors, patients. Cases drop drastically after August 25, 2021. Coincidence?
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I lived in Japan from 2000-2002 and moved back in January 2012, so nearly 12 years total so far. I dunno about Japanese YT because I use an ad blocker to remove that. I did see a stupid vaccine commercial a few nights ago, guilt tripping people into getting the jab for the sake of their loved ones. Bullcrap. The other English teachers in my town are mostly libtards, and one is a raging shitlib. One of them is also conspiracy-minded, but he spends a lot of time researching ancient civilizations, Antarctica, lizard people, and stuff like that. He obviously didn't study much about these clotshots because although he had sworn not to, he let his mom in CA pressure him into it and he just went along with the flow while all the Japanese teachers have gotten their damned shots. I have no idea what my situation is going to be like next year, if a mandate will come down or if teachers will start dying off this winter. Of course further deaths will be blamed on Corona-chan and not on the damned deathjabs.
If you wanna stalk me and/or communicate further, my website is stevethefish.net. From there you can find my email and crap.
Is the media there talking about the foreign substances found in the vials of vaccine by the Japanese scientists? one article
It was briefly mentioned, but the general day-to-day news completely ignores it and pushes for vaccines. It's terrible.