3-year deltas are important, per Q. 4-year deltas were never mentioned, so I'm guessing they are more important than 3-year deltas, just because it wasn't stated outright. Take a look at the initial posts; they are all 4-year deltas coming soon. They gave us the ending in the beginning. NCSWIC is not just a catch phrase, it is literally the Great Awakening. It not only had to be this way, it already happened. That is key to undesigning what is going on. Trust yourself.
3-year deltas are important, per Q. 4-year deltas were never mentioned, so I'm guessing they are more important than 3-year deltas, just because it wasn't stated outright. Take a look at the initial posts; they are all 4-year deltas coming soon. They gave us the ending in the beginning. NCSWIC is not just a catch phrase, it is literally the Great Awakening. It not only had to be this way, it already happened. That is key to undesigning what is going on. Trust yourself.