Brother and sister in law have covid. They have the ivermectin but don’t know how much or how often to take it. America’s frontline doctors website, where they got it, has been scrubbed. No mention of anything related to treatments, long haulers, etc. Can anyone give me dosage for the pills not the paste? Thanks so much and prayers would be appreciated!
Update: America’s frontline doctors.ORG is the site with covid protocol not .COM! Thanks for everyone’s response!
my son was getting sick. Sore throat, dizzy, sweating, general sick. Then he said he could not smell or taste stuff. I had a sore throat also. Now we had the rona Feb 2020 really bad so should be immune. So I was guessing it was just the flu, but whatever. Half of his class was out sick and his friends were all sick.
So I broke out the ivermectin paste. We both took it with yogurt. Plus zinc 50mg and vit C 2000 mg. He went to bed because he was feeling so shitty.
About 2 hours later, he came down and stood in the projector room and told us that he was feeling so much better. He said he had a headache but was feeling really good. He went up on his computer/games. The next day he was out on his dirt bike and one of his friends was so sick he went to the hospital. We repeated for three days to be safe.
Ivermectin works.