Me and 2 of my daughters and my daughter in law are all out of work for not vaxxing. One worked for an insurance company, aerospace engineer and nurse. I was just a corporate guy.
Don’t quit! Find another job in the meantime and make them fire you. That’s what I plan on doing if my employer puts me on unpaid leave for not getting the jab.
1 - Private tutoring
2 - Dont quit. Once fired sue
3 - While still working collect info to contact parents who might want home schooling - start your own school.
I thought teachers had unions. When I lost my job I got even by giving info to union trying to start up there. There is a union there now.
Remember, this is just the start. What else will they make you do next?
Sister is 8 months pregnant and just lost her job because she didn’t want to get vaxxed while pregnant. These people are monsters.
On the bright side, she gets to stay home with her baby!
It was all up to her. She chose life for her baby.
Me and 2 of my daughters and my daughter in law are all out of work for not vaxxing. One worked for an insurance company, aerospace engineer and nurse. I was just a corporate guy.
Don’t quit! Find another job in the meantime and make them fire you. That’s what I plan on doing if my employer puts me on unpaid leave for not getting the jab.
Find and join a class action lawsuit
1 - Private tutoring 2 - Dont quit. Once fired sue 3 - While still working collect info to contact parents who might want home schooling - start your own school.
I thought teachers had unions. When I lost my job I got even by giving info to union trying to start up there. There is a union there now.
Remember, this is just the start. What else will they make you do next?
Formatting tip: double line breaks otherwise your list won't get formatted as one.
Thanks, Mom.
Said it's a tip not to clean your room you piss jar storing fuck.
Aren't there limitations to how long you can be suspended without pay until they have to fire you or?
Where is their famous politically active teachers union now?
Maybe offer home schooling to gifted kids, didnt NY end this program?