I worked the polls including early voting last year here in my county in NC. I was made a Judge (in spite of not really being trained to be one) at one of the precincts for election day because I was the ONLY Republican there (and the only white person I might add) who was working the poll in this precinct of mostly Democrats.
They must have liked me because they want me back to their precinct to work the next two elections.
I just completed a course to be a Judge this year and noted a couple of changes. Mind you we still do not have Voter ID here in NC even though it passed by a majority of votes in 2016. It has gone back and forth in court. I am still hoping that changes before next year.
They now are implementing a chain of custody form and protocol, though which we didn't have last year. This is good news and I suspect is the result of the AZ audit.
Another change is they now have a new machine for handicapped/Blind to vote on call the ExpressVote. I uses a separate ballot than the regular one but can still be scanned into the voting machine. The good news about this one is the voter can have the ballot read to them which will free up poll workers who have done this in the past if there were no family members with the voter. It also has a braille keyboard for the blind. I, myself, had to read ballots off several times last year either because the voter had some vision issues and requested it or they were illiterate.
As for the training course it was severely lacking. The video couldn't be seen easily. The material didn't match the training booklets and the gal who presented it wasn't even from our county. I am gonna still have to read both booklets we were given to understand the entire process even though I worked the polls last year. (I didn't work every station and did not handle any provisional ballots) But want to know the protocol for that.
Also, I would have preferred to have had some hands on practice with opening setting up and closing both our voting machine and the new ExpressVote machines that they didn't bring.
I know this next election is mostly for local elections. I do not live in a city or town so I have no one to vote for this election cycle unless they have some county candidates on the ballot, of course. I will be checking it out before election day and voting early since I can't vote in that precinct.
Early one stop voting here starts on October 14th and runs for 14 days. Only 2 Saturdays are included (TOO many days if you ask me).
It sounds like you have some really good ideas for improving the training!