posted ago by KimJung-Un ago by KimJung-Un +15 / -3

If you've seen the Intel light show, then you understand how incredibly advanced drone technology is. That light show started years ago. What they have now is probably unbelievable.

Boston Dynamics robots are now capable of physical feats most humans cannot do. What's to stop them from weaponizing these drones and bots.

And frankly, we wouldn't stand a chance against an army of drones capable of seeing in nearly every scenario. The military now has night vision that is so clear and accurate that in pitch black scenarios, vision is better than unaided eye vision in broad day light.

Fat Americans who are addicted to frozen pizza, beer and BBQ who's definition of freedom is to be slobs stand no chance.

And if you don't believe me, just youtube intel drone show and boston dynamics robots.

Already being used by police forces all over the world (inclulding NYPD)

This doesn't even include the plethora of tech they have which can detect your mood, health and even predict if your about to commit a crime.

The world is rapidly turning into Minority Report. This plan needs to come to fruition before the weaponry is too advanced. And if you think the powers that be won't use it on you, then you're not paying attention.

Think Canadian embassy in Cuba where people fell mysteriously ill and later was suspected they were using sound waves on them.