Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

Listen. I can't explain why this guy seems to be a wild card, and one for the good right now. But this photo lineup has me changing my thoughts about doubles, for him atleast. I know there are doubles in other cases.

I can't figure out this one. Just glad he his singing an 180 degree different song that is enraging progressive satanist hell bent on ruining the country and the world.

Just food for thought before blasting this one out. It is a crazy time we are all trying to understand it all.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

Through the months, in real time, I beleived that the Fettermans were changing. mostly because of messages, mental state, health and etc...

But if this photo lineup is the accurate reprisentation. Then I go back on that. I can't explain the last couple years with this guy and the role he plays. But these photos are all the same person, somehow. Here me out:

  1. Small, tiny dark mole on the high side of his far left forhead (where his hair line should be). Same mark is in photos 1,2,4,5 & 6. # 3 photo is failnt/blurred but looks to be there as well.

  2. The same brow ridge/fat fold at the top of the nose is present in 1,2,4,5,6 and only 3 is blocked by the glasses.

  3. The front two top teeth (in the 4 photos visable) in all 4 the one right tooth 'dominates' the left front tooth in the same way.

  4. In all the pics, the same twin gray streaks of his goat-tee are in the same spot, other than the shaved #3 photo.

  5. His right ear (photo our left) the ears have the same sharp point about 3/4 the way up the ear.

Duck_N_Cover 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trust but verify: is there any known sources to back up a second removed verse??

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you all for quick responses. I can delete now.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a question of interest. Just now from his interview on Ingraham, FNews.

Looked new and odd. So I tried searching all images of AF1 both 747 and other models.

Don't see any photos that match with the same wing silver extension, seal, window placement, and light blue vs. darker blue placement.

Looked odd being shiny, new and then not noticing the placement/paint job before. Maybe nothing, but what plane is that? And why is the speaker interviewing in front of it?

Duck_N_Cover 6 points ago +6 / -0

So what you are saying is that someone greatly invested in traditional fiat banking is totally against investing in metals??

Loud and clear.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

One interesting data point:

Trump led warp speed. Remember what the left narrative was at that point in 2020?

" I'll never take a Trump led vax"

2020 'election' happened. Hours later Big Pharmas release their covid mRNAs.

The narrative shifted to what we then saw, if you don't take it, you are public enemy #1 to society.

Overnight, leftists talking points begin the great vaxxine push to protect everyone and everyone's grandma.

That timeline speaks alot, I beleive. For those wondering about Trump's involvement in this.

Before election it was assumed it was a warp speed MIL vax, non dangerous. Post election theft there was no fear that it would be anything but big pharma's poisons that would be on the relese scedule?

Duck_N_Cover 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know if it can be summed up that simple.

But to think that those with TDS succumbed to a 'trupm vax reccomendation'..

And that all those they called being in a Trump cult, most said no F'n way to it.

That is some interesting history.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

So in your view the pharma/gates have had their mRNAs ready or almost ready to go for a while. We have all discussed that "warp speed" torpedoed the anticipated cabal plan of 5-10 years of lockdown. While their already developed vax/kill was pretended to be developed. You say it was already to go. But, they would push the 5-10 years of lockdown based on MSM and CDC fear creation.

At the end of 5-10: Most, even us, would be lined up asap for their poison. Compare to actual current vax numbers.

Warp speed was a torpeedo to eliminate the old narrative that vax's take atleast a decade to develop. You believe cabal vax was already in waiting.

'Warp Speed' gave the real or faked impression that the CIC was putting the MIL in charge of devoloping the covid vax before his re-election deadline. (someone that is always undertime and under budget).

Guess what? Cabal Vaxes have to be released in late 2020 or they risk being snuffed out by whatever wildcard Trump holds in 'warp speed' and what can be, or is already to go as a harmless MIL vaccine.

Finally, to the notion of promotion of the vax by Trump. It was well documented that he tried to push HCQ and ivemectim. We all remember that was first. The hailstorm by MSM and CDC, WHO, etc rained down. We all remember a 60 year miracle drug in ivermectin being blasted as nothing but horse paste that stupid trumpers are going to OD from.

Fog of war punches holes in your notion.

It is a hidden war. Info was put out there for all paying attention. War isn't pretty. Trump isn't a lifelong big pharma drug scientist. The timelines are there. The huge forces we are against are evident.

The whole point is if all the true evil we know of today was shut down in 2016-2020 by a Trump presidency, he would be broadcasted as the greatest tyrant ever. We would be in a most massive civil war now and for a while. Instead he "stepped down" from a rigged election and things don't seem to be going the way a total communist takeover would like to be running things.

Some appear to be in control. But others seem to have more meaningful control.

Duck_N_Cover 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the observed was that the bare-minimum profit was never the point of the purchase.

If you follow that there is a silent war going on, then there seems more going on with the Musk purchase of Twitter. More waves for the good of this country have been made on Twitter in the last 1.5 months than in the last 10 years of Twitter.

Those observing as far as Q is concerned can see how it was used to send certain very public messages to the masses through Twitter.

HENCE, it wasn't an Elon selfish silly billionaire purchase/failure... There seems to be something else going on here to the objective, inquisitive mind.

So enjoy relishing in a billionaire's failure in your book. Even if that is based on a self published poll posted just a few hours ago with no knowledge of what is to come in this crazy new world.

Duck_N_Cover 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not defending him.

I just find it funny you think he bought it to "turn a profit" and within weeks made huge moves to anger and turn over the turnip cart of every user left on twitter. That is logical to you?

All the true conservatives were already kicked off or froever discouraged from ever being a part of twitter again.

So Musk's master CEO profit plan, in your big brain, was to piss off every liberal left on the platform by reinstating Trump, many others Conservatives, banning 'jorurnalists', polls, removing bots, etc.?

That in your mind was Musk trying to turn a profit?

You seem to be on a mission for for billionaire dick riders. You've found none here. But youv've only revealed you have a vindictive hard-on for billionaires instead.

Don't let them upset you. They'll pursue what they do on this earth. They can only enter the afterlife with the same amount of possessions as you and I do.

Duck_N_Cover 8 points ago +8 / -0

I missed the part where Elon bought it back in May and not just 2 or 3 months ago. /s

So your message is that he knew it was to fail all the way back in may. He finalized purchase a couple months ago. And his mission was only to make a profit with Twitter, not something greater? Not something greater by all the headlines and waves he has made in a couple short months?

My eye roll at your comment is that you think his "pride comes before the fall" yet you can't comprehend that maybe he bought (forced?) Twitter for any reason other than for profit. The actions and unusual timelines of everything with Elon Twitter of the last couple of short months point to nothing of him purchasing it for a normal profit.

I don't trust any human fully at this point. I don't claim to have knowledge of any of these WH or BH end goal moves. I Do know, Elon Musk never purchased Twitter with the goal of making a profit and then proceeded to make the very provocative and alienating moves that he has in a short month or so.

But you say he is a prideful person that made mistakes. He is controlled, one way or the other, and none of this is by prideful mistake.

Duck_N_Cover 13 points ago +13 / -0

That is a big claim.

Reveal one source of info you have that Twitter isn't profitable under his watch right now.

This place runs on facts, so surely you can slightly back your claim, right?

It's a pretty cut and dry ask for source.

Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

They won't be able to walk down the streets. Alex is providing the blueprints.

I remember some good airport videos in 2020 of Pierre Delecto and Lady G.

Duck_N_Cover 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/08/d-c-mayor-public-emergency-migrant-buses-00055750 Bowser 2: https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/08/03/excusing-illegal-immigration-comes-back-to-bite-mayors-of-dc-nyc/

It is all a script in the movie to (hopefully) expose the normies to the retardation of years of policy.

They have seen ignoring years of southern boarder states saying 100s of thousand of immigrants coming in and occupying their communities. Leftist say it is nothing, msm says nothing, racists... Texas can't declare an emercency or they are "raycist"

Fast forward in the plan a couple weeks..

The few massive Liberal "sanctuary" cities that supported being a sactuary are all of a sudden screaming in panic,.. all for a couple of busses of 30 migrants being bussed in.

DC Bowser 1: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/08/d-c-mayor-public-emergency-migrant-buses-00055750

DC Bowser 2: https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/08/03/excusing-illegal-immigration-comes-back-to-bite-mayors-of-dc-nyc/

It is too easy. They screamed racism and america can take all illegals for years. kids in cages. AND THEY GET A FEW BUS LOADS AND THEY START REFUSING AND 'PANICKING'???

No, this has to be part of showing people how hypocritical they are. Tens of thousands each month in TX and they can't welcome in 60 in their city. This has to be exposure for people to understand how stupid/evil and hypocritical they are. They wouldn't sqawk and would just ship them to suburbs, quietly, otherwise, in a true communist takeover.

Duck_N_Cover 11 points ago +11 / -0

So for a funeral date of 9/19/22:

4 Year Delta of 'Castle Lock' (Monarchy finished out)

2 Year Delta - [C]oats before [D]clas

Or.. [C]oats of Arms before [D]clas

My take is maybe the delayed/announced close out (funeral) of queens reign is the [Coats] before the [Declas] marker for all the US gov declass we have been waiting for.

Of course: if Coats refers to Coats of Arms it could mean for close out of all other coats [roths and other families] or the coats of all those above & ultimately ruling the royalty of uk.

Hopefully the former not the latter.

Duck_N_Cover 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not related: Since the Nixon era many millions of rural Americans have been amasing hunting rifles and practicing target shooting as a hobby. Stocking piles of ammo for future needed usages. Spent many seasons sitting up in trees, camouflageing as part of that tree, waiting for hours for the chance of shooting a large mammal in the internal organs to kill it from a 100 yards away...

They don't need to amass large protests in cities they don't care about. They just want to form protection for the small communities that have always been there for them.

Duck_N_Cover 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fair enough. It is an added step.

I just see how demonic these people are. How they have no qualms to falsify records. How a traumatized mother that doesn't like her abortion would never want to sign off on witness of cremation.

Constant thinking and ideas are needed. Just don't see how the satanic wouldn't overcome this.

Duck_N_Cover 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what stops them from showing off the "ashes" to a "mother" that would never witness the creation process??

You offer a good thought, but what legally changes the process of PP demonically selling the baby parts off?

Duck_N_Cover 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry but infringing on the 2A is an actual infringement on a constitutional right, but not really that but a God given right to defend ones self.

Your notion to treat abortion (never one mention as a right in the Constitution or Bill of Rights) as the same as citizen gun ownership rights (an actual right) starts to conflate that there is simularity in the two. Dead wrong.

Even if abortion was a constitution right (which it is not, hence the final true USSC ruling this week that it never belonged in the USSC) then what you propose is certain underhanded tactics should be able to undermine citizens rights. You applied it to abortion (NOT EVEN A US CITIZEN RIGHT). Your battle resolve would allow an attack on something not an actual right to be in turn used on something that is actually the most essential right.

I like many people's fight and grit.. but make sure you aren't knee capping the only things that preserve our existance. Read the Constitution and understand what it provides...

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