It's because you're trying to make it seem like trump is in on it more than the theory itself i think. He doesn't have to necessarily be in on the death jab thing for the 5g part to have some merit. But there are some people who do want to shut down 5g talk even though there are connections i could post for shits and giggles that I've been looking into for some time. It's a real possibility but i think there is a broad misconception of what 5g does in part by the mockingbird media and bought scientists. They pretend it's a new wavelength they can use for faster service but they're just unthrottling 4g and there are no 5g chips in devices and no 5g towers because the range would require one on every electric poles just about. So it's probably crowd control because it's made by Raytheon the ones who made the active denial system aka heat ray which sends millimeter waves at you and makes your skin feel on fire with settings that can cause serious damage they're not supposed to go up to yet the option remains. Graphene reacts to it as you would expect and god knows what havoc that can wreak in your body.
It's because you're trying to make it seem like trump is in on it more than the theory itself i think. He doesn't have to necessarily be in on the death jab thing for the 5g part to have some merit. But there are some people who do want to shut down 5g talk even though there are connections i could post for shits and giggles that I've been looking into for some time. It's a real possibility but i think there is a broad misconception of what 5g does in part by the mockingbird media and bought scientists. They pretend it's a new wavelength they can use for faster service but they're just unthrottling 4g and there are no 5g chips in devices and no 5g towers because the range would require one on every electric poles just about. So it's probably crowd control because it's made by Raytheon the ones who made the active denial system aka heat ray which sends millimeter waves at you and makes your skin feel on fire with settings that can cause serious damage they're not supposed to go up to yet the option remains. Graphene reacts to it as you would expect and god knows what havoc that can wreak in your body.