I would not get too excited here folks about this drug EIDD-2801. There are huge safety concerns with this drug. Other drugs in this class, like Remdesivir, have been around for some time and were developed to treat other viral infections. Why were they not approved? Because they were shown to have safety concerns and could not meet the challenge of normal FDA approval. EIDD-2801 has been shown to potentially cause genetic damage and could not show it was safe.
Because of all the money being thrown around to develop drugs to treat Covid, many companies blew the dust off their previous failures - like the jabs, under an EUA where they can bypass all the safety studies. This was the case for Remdesivir that was developed to treat Ebola and was a horrific failure. Do not be fooled. They have not done the proper safety studies on this drug either - and what studies have been done, do not look good.
Bright's EIDD-2801 concerns date to November 2019, more than 1 month before China made the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan public. Researchers have intensively studied its active element and found in test tube and animal experiments that it inhibits the replication of a range of RNA viruses, including influenza. EIDD-2801 acts as a defective RNA building block when a virus uses an enzyme known as a polymerase to copy its genome. Remdesivir, the only COVID-19 treatment that so far has worked—albeit modestly—in a careful study, similarly inhibits the viral polymerase.
It would not be unusual for BARDA to consider a drug like EIDD-2801. But Bright notes in his complaint that "similar experimental drugs in this class had been shown to cause reproductive toxicity in animals, and offspring from treated animals had been born without teeth and without parts of their skulls."
Raymond Schinazi, an Emory University chemist who has extensively studied the active ingredient in EIDD-2801 but has no connection to DRIVE, notes that his former pharmaceutical company, Pharmasset, abandoned it in 2003 after discovering its mutagenic properties. Schinazi says the small chemical tweaks made to increase the ingredient's bioavailability and transform it into EIDD-2801 are unlikely to change its mutagenicity. "Thank goodness someone is raising the red flag," about EIDD-2801, Schinazi says. "You don't develop a drug that's mutagenic. Period."
What a crock. We know that Remdesivir causes severe acute kidney damage and pneumonia that has killed many. This drug has even fewer safety studies than Remdesivir. Someone is trying to blow smoke up our ass again. Don't buy it.
We know of very successful and safe treatments for whatever the hell is going around. It is Ivermectin and HCQ, along with various supplements - especially quercetin and zinc. We do not need any more expensive and potentially toxic drugs and jabs. It is not about health, it is about the money.
You are welcome. I just don't want people getting too worked up over possible treatments that offer nothing but toxicity and false hope. We already have treatments. Anything that actually does work, is suppressed because there is no money in it. We have a big problem right now with lots of money being passed around that is fueling this disaster. Lots of piggies lined up at the trough.
I would not get too excited here folks about this drug EIDD-2801. There are huge safety concerns with this drug. Other drugs in this class, like Remdesivir, have been around for some time and were developed to treat other viral infections. Why were they not approved? Because they were shown to have safety concerns and could not meet the challenge of normal FDA approval. EIDD-2801 has been shown to potentially cause genetic damage and could not show it was safe.
Because of all the money being thrown around to develop drugs to treat Covid, many companies blew the dust off their previous failures - like the jabs, under an EUA where they can bypass all the safety studies. This was the case for Remdesivir that was developed to treat Ebola and was a horrific failure. Do not be fooled. They have not done the proper safety studies on this drug either - and what studies have been done, do not look good.
Emails Offer Look Into Whistleblower Charges of Cronyism Behind Potential COVID-19 Drug
What a crock. We know that Remdesivir causes severe acute kidney damage and pneumonia that has killed many. This drug has even fewer safety studies than Remdesivir. Someone is trying to blow smoke up our ass again. Don't buy it.
We know of very successful and safe treatments for whatever the hell is going around. It is Ivermectin and HCQ, along with various supplements - especially quercetin and zinc. We do not need any more expensive and potentially toxic drugs and jabs. It is not about health, it is about the money.
You are welcome. I just don't want people getting too worked up over possible treatments that offer nothing but toxicity and false hope. We already have treatments. Anything that actually does work, is suppressed because there is no money in it. We have a big problem right now with lots of money being passed around that is fueling this disaster. Lots of piggies lined up at the trough.