If you remember correctly the Irish flooded the streets of New York in the mid 1800s they were hated and despised by the local American citizens carpet baggers was the term if i remember correctly.... Also note that during the civil war these Irish men and the families were granted American citizenship overnight if the men fought for the north during the civil war... (fuck Lincoln btw. and that’s some unconstitutional bullshit and the civil war wasn’t over slavery.) moving on fast forward to today, wouldn’t it be ironic if the Afghans and illegal immigrants were granted full citizenship to fulfill an agenda and wage war on the us citizens maybe not today but within the next 8 years. History repeat itself. Stay diligent.
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carpet baggers are a political candidate who seeks election in an area where they have no local connections
nothing to do with immigrants
it is a term for those sent down from the north into the south to "build back better", where they carried fancy bags made of material that resembled carpets of the day. derogatory term for yankee business men.
also, the Irish had been fleeing Ireland due to the potato famine of the 1840's and the harsh treatment from the british govt. it was during this time that NINA was used (No Irish Need Apply). that you are comparing these immigrants to todays illegals is not cool. total different circumstances. also look into the draft riots of nyc and what caused them, that might be where the citizenship for service may have come from. my understanding is it is a long standing policy from the revolutionary war where immigrants could have a better chance of citizenship by proving loyalty to this country by honorable military service. If I am wrong, I would love to know what the truth in these matters are, show me.
You are reading my mind! I’ve been thinking about this but couldn’t find the post. There was a post about fewer cars on the roads. Many people commented from all over USA, saying they are seeing a lot more trucks on the road. Maybe it was on the post about the ships of the coast. People started speculating, what are they hauling if the docs weren’t letting the cargo in. Someone said, illegals. Remember Trump has said many times the people coming over are terrorist from Middle East. I can’t remember the country. Also criminals the country’s are letting out of jail to come here. Could they be coming here to replace our military if it falls? To fight our military? They want these people here really bad. It’s not from the goodness of heart, greater good, bs! They always have a motive. It sounds so crazy. The unknown can put wild ideas in my head.
I assure you, no matter how many illegal immigrants you bring in and give free citizenship, after living in America for a few years, they will all love America and become part of the American Dream if left on their own. Only a small fraction - the educated elitists - turn evil.