I like to talk to people around the world. One of my best friends is a young lady from Bangladesh that I met because she wanted to practice English despite my insistence that I speak Jersey and not English 😜
In any case yesterday I was hopping between rooms in a voice chat app and stumbled upon some brits. I was a little shitfaced so I was talking for hours on end and befriended a cool dude. We had mutual respect for each other as we tackled every topic under the sun, but I specifically avoided talking vaxx and covid.
But as soon as it came up and he asked my opinion I told him it's a load of shit used to justify overreach and the reason I had to cancel my UK trip last year. I had a big plan to rent a home and invite all of my international friends to have a fucking banger of a party. I chose UK because:
A. It's relatively neutral of a destination for the friends I was inviting that were Scandinavian, German, Dutch, etc.
And B. I wanted to prove that the way brits have sway in my parts just due to their accent, I was going to prove that I could make Jersey the equivalent to them that they are to here.
But then the question came up. And I answered honesty. He said he's double vaxxed and he's ok so why cant I think of others instead of myself. Well, this guy, lol, i told him if vaxx makes symptoms less severe, he's likely spreading the virus around even more instead of staying home and that I have 0 reason to get an experimental treatment with no animal trials and no third phase trials over something that has a 99.97% survivability rate.
Normally he'd apologize if i was going to talk and he'd interrupt. But i watched him as he complained, cut me off, tried to pressure with "oh come on...." and "mate you're smarter than this."
The whole convo he was being so careful and apologetic to interrupt but any time i tried to respond with my stance it's like he didnt want to hear it and used that cutting me off as a reinforcement for his position until I had to get a bit belligerent just so I could speak for myself, and then he used that belligerence as a justification for his beliefs.
Hours of conversation and friendship went to the gutter over this shit and I watched him go from a friendly interacter to literally cutting me off, denigrating me, pressuring me using social tactics, etc.
I never wanted to say, "LISTEN, you asked a question and I'm answering your fucking question but don't ask something if you're going to avoid hearing my answer."
The vaxx is the ultimate divisive topic. He kept saying i was just trying to be rebellious and had no basis to say or think what I do. I did my best to be courteous and patient, but at some point, you gotta show me the respect I show you.
Idk, just wanted to share as it's been on my mind and I'm still kickin'
They injected themselves with the mystery fluid so they have to defend the mystery fluid now. He isn’t going to be able to function if he believes he is now poisoned so he will fight that argument no matter what. Rationality isn’t important, facts aren’t important, all that matters is he leaves the conversation feeling that he isn’t poisoned.
Right, but I don't walk away :P