NSW premier resigned due to taking bribes from Pfizer and Astra
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Afraid I am skepticule.
People seem to keep thinking that the personalities are the problem. Andrews? Gladys? The QLD prem? Morrison? Turnbull?
It could go either way. Either something is underfoot to dislodge the puppets and weaken them, or simply the controllers are getting rid of a useful pawn that has expended its usefulness, and will proceed to replace with a rook or a knight.
Until I see who replaces and what they do, I'm super skeptical.
Note: this would NOT have been my view even 12 months ago, but living 19+ months in South North Korea (Danistan) will do that to a body.
Like my post says, this is corruption, not personalities. Did I say something that makes you think otherwise? It would explain why a lot of idiots are prepared to treat free citizens like criminals.
Hmmm. I see now. Thanks for the clarification. I may have misread your intent (re: the focus on corruption vs personalities).
However, I meant to convey that I am skeptical that it is huge, whether one takes the more superficial view that it is these individuals that are the problem, or the more logical and frankly more based view that the system that uses them is the problem. Either way, I'm skeptical that this is "huge".
Or let me rephrase that. I am skeptical that it is a positive or good development in and of itself.
Moreover, I was perhaps less than articulate in what I wrote. In hindsight, when I wrote personalities, I actually meant individuals. Not a "personality" problem, obviously. Yes, a corruption problem. But I meant that removal of this or that individual is not necessarily significant in a positive way, but could just as easily indicate the removal of an individual whose use has been expended.
But about "corruption": The cairns article reports:
if the threat of the ICAC investigation could be used to pull her strings, it equally means that it could be used to remove her when her usefulness has expired.
It would be possible that Palmer's dropping this bomb suddenly made Gladys a less than useful instrument (her cover is blown) and so it would make 100% sense for the puppet controllers to remove her and replace with a back up, or even with something ready to step in once the Gladys phase of the operation was over.
Personally, I think that what they hold over these people is far, far worse than a mere corruption investigations. Threat of death, deep corruption, sexual manipulation, etc.
For me there is no doubt at all that they are deep, deep, deep in corruption, and always have been, and that this is the key reason why they do the masters' bidding. They are puppets, fully and completely.
I've seen posts on here, none recently, talking about the elites blackmailing politicians and celebrities, purposely luring them into things like child trafficking in order to blackmail them.
I was just trying to say I find the Pfizer, J&J bribery or blackmail or whatever it is to be unlikely to only have happened in New South Wales.
Oh, there is no doubt in my mind about that. have you looked at how powerful the pharmaceutical cos are? How much money they control, and what they control?