Frac, We are all in the same war. You happen to be on the front lines of the current battle. The enemy desires a one world government. What they are getting is WWG1WGA, a one world army allied against them. Think of the irony. Our army is becoming engaged as we speak while you Aussies take the brunt of the enemy fire. But rest assured, we are all united against these ass holes and we are really really pissed off. We are behind you, don't give up.
Frac, We are all in the same war. You happen to be on the front lines of the current battle. The enemy desires a one world government. What they are getting is WWG1WGA, a one world army allied against them. Think of the irony. Our army is becoming engaged as we speak while you Aussies take the brunt of the enemy fire. But rest assured, we are all united against these ass holes and we are really really pissed off. We are behind you, don't give up.