Okay, maybe he is a RetroPede and has a trap door back there. That would work too!
I learned in Biology that frogs drink through their feet, maybe they shit though their feet too. That would explain why he's wearing Jethro britches with no shoes.
Which reminds me of a funny idea I had for car fuel during gas shortage or to conserve. If everyone ate tons of beans, we could all cut or sew flaps in the seats of pants and place tube from out our rears to gas tank to fill cars with methane. Lol
Look like Pepe is taking a crap in his pants to me.
Eewww...mucky. 😂
I couldn’t eat my food
You guys are frickin killin me!
Well he's sitting on the toilet and ain't even pulled down his britches. Unless he gas a hole cut in the seat, I don't see any option.
In the OLD days, kids PJ’s had a snapped/buttoned trap door in the back. Used to crack me up...see Our Gang/Little Rascals.
Okay, maybe he is a RetroPede and has a trap door back there. That would work too!
I learned in Biology that frogs drink through their feet, maybe they shit though their feet too. That would explain why he's wearing Jethro britches with no shoes.
They are also in pioneer museums
He's wearing them dungarees backwards. Using the zipper.
Which reminds me of a funny idea I had for car fuel during gas shortage or to conserve. If everyone ate tons of beans, we could all cut or sew flaps in the seats of pants and place tube from out our rears to gas tank to fill cars with methane. Lol