It is an invertabrate, kind of related to jellyfish. There are over 3700 types, ranging from microscopic to the size of Portuguese men of war, which are a hydra. They have between 6 and 8 tentacles. This particular type is a fesh-water one, indicating that the manufacturers are using pond water ;).
It is a small organism shaped like a stalk with tentacles around the top where its mouth is. The bottom end can attach to things. It is found in ponds and other bodies of water.
Some water I collected from a pond behind my house for high school biology many years ago contained a hydra almost a quarter inch tall. It was attached to the inside of the jar about halfway up. Everyone in the class had to come look.
WTF is a Hydra Vulgaris?
It is an invertabrate, kind of related to jellyfish. There are over 3700 types, ranging from microscopic to the size of Portuguese men of war, which are a hydra. They have between 6 and 8 tentacles. This particular type is a fesh-water one, indicating that the manufacturers are using pond water ;).
All i read was vagina.
It is a small organism shaped like a stalk with tentacles around the top where its mouth is. The bottom end can attach to things. It is found in ponds and other bodies of water.
Some water I collected from a pond behind my house for high school biology many years ago contained a hydra almost a quarter inch tall. It was attached to the inside of the jar about halfway up. Everyone in the class had to come look.