I did, so I did. Groggy and quick, but it was there. Not even sure what time it was. Just suddenly woke up with a start, military hard on my mind, and prayed for them.
Whatever happened, if anything happened, I know that prayer had a purpose. Did anyone else have a similar experience?
This right here is where I'm at. Even after only getting 2 yours of sleep before a particularly brutal day of work I still found myself having trouble dozing off at a decent time the following night. What's strange is it barely started up in the last week. I'm the Debbie downer of happenings around here so it's not due to being 'excited' or anything. Probably just stress related tbh.
I call it “the quickening”. Things they had planned for us over the course of 16-years is happening in 8 + 4-year gap + 4. There’s work still to be done. It’s a Republic if we can keep it.