Humans need to collectivity learn to better deal with our egos. Because we'll (many of us, not all) knowingly push dangerous falsehoods to protect and inflate the ego.
I sincerely believe our “education” systems primary objective is to inflate the ego, to the point where everyone believes they are smarter than average. They give students easy multiple-guess tests, and call them a genius when they get it right.
Humans need to collectivity learn to better deal with our egos. Because we'll (many of us, not all) knowingly push dangerous falsehoods to protect and inflate the ego.
It's total shit.
I sincerely believe our “education” systems primary objective is to inflate the ego, to the point where everyone believes they are smarter than average. They give students easy multiple-guess tests, and call them a genius when they get it right.
Avoidable by only pushing truth.