posted ago by KittyQ ago by KittyQ +59 / -1

No matter what, hold the line, trust in God or whatever religion you believe in, and have faith our enemies will be destroyed. No matter if they ridicule you, spit on you, tell you you’re crazy, lie and manipulate you, gaslight you, try to silence you, mock your God, try and hunt you down, HOLD. THAT. FUCKING. LINE. Do not give in. Do not comply. Do not give them the pleasure and satisfaction of knowing they can break you. This is a silent war. It is a spiritual war. It is a crazy and shocking time to be alive right now. God has revealed their lies, deceit and treachery. We have never fought a war like this before. This is Good VS Evil. And even if things aren’t happening as quickly as we like, God is always, always, always in control and his timing is always perfect. Even if no one is hung or executed soon, they will run out of Adrenochrome and die eventually. All the motherfucking cabal members are already like 60-80+ like jeez fucking die already!! They will eventually have to answer to God before being dragged down to hell by the demons they signed contracts with. Even if the people don’t get justice, God will destroy our enemies. They can run and hide in the shadows but God sees all. He knows what they have done. I’m sure God has a sniper rifle red dot on all the cabal members heads and is waiting for the perfect moment. Oh Joe Biden had a stroke? God took the shot. Oh Dr. Fauci got really sick from his own man-made virus and died? God took another shot. Hillary was executed for raping, murdering, and torturing kids? God took the shot three times because I’m sure he hates that bitch. After all, he hates pedophiles and murderers but most of all hates evil people who touch his children. Hillary is most definitely on God’s smite list. Joe Biden too. All of them are on the smite list. All of them are going to fucking hell where they belong since they love being up Satan’s ass all the fucking time. You know, they simp for Satan but I bet you Satan doesn’t even give a fuck about any of them.