It didn't just spring into being, nor is it some group of wealthy individuals who just decided to take over the world. It's institutionalized. They have their own military (or rather control the military of particular nations). They have their own diplomats, their own political organizations, etc... . There are layers.
Get RID of the British Monarchy and the British elite... and you get rid of a big part of the Cabal power.
Get RID of the corrupt Vatican and you get rid of another big source of their power. I'm fine with having a Vatican, just not a CORRUPT one. They can all go back to wearing robes and sandals so far as I'm concerned. A priest takes a vow of poverty... and I'd love for them to live up to that vow.
Next, get RID of the Federal Reserve and the IMF / World Bank.
After that, shut down the U.N. and replace it with a simple 2-story building. Every nation gets 1 representative and an interpreter... that that's all.
Next, purge everyone ranked 'General' from every military in NATO. Fire every one of them. After that, only Colonels who have been driving a used car that's 4-years-old or older are allowed to become Generals. The rest are sell-outs.
Let's define that "Elitist Empire".
It didn't just spring into being, nor is it some group of wealthy individuals who just decided to take over the world. It's institutionalized. They have their own military (or rather control the military of particular nations). They have their own diplomats, their own political organizations, etc... . There are layers.
Get RID of the British Monarchy and the British elite... and you get rid of a big part of the Cabal power.
Get RID of the corrupt Vatican and you get rid of another big source of their power. I'm fine with having a Vatican, just not a CORRUPT one. They can all go back to wearing robes and sandals so far as I'm concerned. A priest takes a vow of poverty... and I'd love for them to live up to that vow.
Next, get RID of the Federal Reserve and the IMF / World Bank.
After that, shut down the U.N. and replace it with a simple 2-story building. Every nation gets 1 representative and an interpreter... that that's all.
Next, purge everyone ranked 'General' from every military in NATO. Fire every one of them. After that, only Colonels who have been driving a used car that's 4-years-old or older are allowed to become Generals. The rest are sell-outs.