Did you all read the article…seriously. It is a waste of his time and he’s absolutely correct to turn them down. They are sticking to the talking points that showed the vote totals pretty well matched with the reported results in Nov. That’s expected. It’s the ballot integrity and ballot security they are focused on. Let them still think they “won” which is the appearance the Ds need to keep running with…all the way to their demise.
I love the fact that hes not.
He was hired by the state of AZ to do the audit.
If the feds have questuons. Ask AZ.
Maybe it isn't quite time for the reveal yet?
Why would he do that?
Because they have replaced Dr Shiva with some hack. It is obvious this is a show-trial. I would refuse too.
Did you all read the article…seriously. It is a waste of his time and he’s absolutely correct to turn them down. They are sticking to the talking points that showed the vote totals pretty well matched with the reported results in Nov. That’s expected. It’s the ballot integrity and ballot security they are focused on. Let them still think they “won” which is the appearance the Ds need to keep running with…all the way to their demise.
Refusing to cooperate with federal tyranny interfering in state affairs?