Please do...Right now we have eyes on the Upper Echelon BUT, the more intelligence gleamed from other sources other than the ones we see "publicly" the more we can ascertain the VALIDITY Intel already gathered...
So far, the articles and such have been fascinating and also enlightening at the same time...It has opened my eyes quite a bit...
I HAVE always thought there there were something higher than Soros...
FYI...I think Soros is the Front and is training his Son to take over the reins...
MY ONLY QUESTION: Is how to breakup this nefarious, internecine relationship with the Congress and those WITHIN OUR government??? WE ONLY get once chance at this and if President Trump has the reins then so be it, BUT all NEFARIOUS CHARACTERS MUST BE ELIMINATED for this to succeed...
Apologize for being long winded BUT my eyes have been opened more than once on this board by the astute people who populate it...AND THANK YOU!!!
Did you make this thread? I am waiting eagerly.
BTW its chilling to know that I have first hand interaction, brief as it may be, with 3 of the big names in DS.
Please do...Right now we have eyes on the Upper Echelon BUT, the more intelligence gleamed from other sources other than the ones we see "publicly" the more we can ascertain the VALIDITY Intel already gathered...
So far, the articles and such have been fascinating and also enlightening at the same time...It has opened my eyes quite a bit...
I HAVE always thought there there were something higher than Soros... FYI...I think Soros is the Front and is training his Son to take over the reins...
MY ONLY QUESTION: Is how to breakup this nefarious, internecine relationship with the Congress and those WITHIN OUR government??? WE ONLY get once chance at this and if President Trump has the reins then so be it, BUT all NEFARIOUS CHARACTERS MUST BE ELIMINATED for this to succeed...
Apologize for being long winded BUT my eyes have been opened more than once on this board by the astute people who populate it...AND THANK YOU!!!
GOD Bless to all...