Iowa Rally Oct 9, 2018/2021
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Has anyone realized that there was a rally on Oct 9, 2018 in Iowa, and there'll be one also on Oct 9, 2021 in Iowa?
I relistened to the 2018 and I'm not sure there's anything there. However, things said at they rally were also in Q drops for the day. Maybe something is connected to then that'll happen now?
Just thought it was interesting when I was researching this weekend's rally.
Iowa / Ethanol / China drop from Iowa rally day 2018
We were in a trade war with China, which was hurting farmers - which could eventually cause their bankruptcy and loss of US ability to produce our own food for consumption (think energy independence as it’s a parallel concept). It also was a move to further US energy independence as we produce more sources of fuel domestically. The EPA was opposed because of “ozone emissions.” Imagine that. The EPA has our best interests in mind just like FDA and CDC. This was about US independence and pushing back against global and corporate corrupt interests. The news says things like “increased ethanol in gas could damage older engines.” They are really worried about our old cars. Sure. Fake news, real wars.
I don't know a lot about this, but thought it was strange that Terry Branstad was ambassador to China...
He talked about it in the rally. Something about E85 being produced all year vs only part of the year?