If you keep in mind, "Its all a movie" you will get through this a lot easier. Q tried to reinforce this fact because he knew patriots who love their country were going to have a hard time accepting this plan and they could not have us interfering. He told us the military was the only way and for several reasons this is true.
I will try to explain what is going on today, the way I see it and how it plays in to future events. Please read this very carefully and then read it again if you need to. I know its a long post, its hard to put things in to perspective in short sound bites though. I see people really having a hard time with the waiting game but unfortunately its the way it has to be. Let me explain why.
We ARE currently in a war. It may not seem like it but yes, we ARE in a war. There are different types of war. A kinetic war uses bombs. Trump chose not to go that route because they are very messy, extremely traumatizing. Trump and Q chose a information / economic war, (General Flynn has talked about a information war many times) unfortunately this approach takes a little longer but the good part is, cities are not being blown to smithereens, casualties are kept at a minimum.
There are always hardships and loss in war, collateral damage is to be expected. You may notice our country is facing some economic hardships, businesses are going bankrupt, inflation is on the rise, shortages in workforce, talks of a dark winter. This is a intentionally inflicted wound on ourselves.
Right now there are 75 container ships from China sitting outside ports that can not be unloaded due to "labor shortages". They are blaming the virus. They are blaming the unemployment checks, our work force would rather stay home and collect decent wages as opposed to working for it. Also, mandating truck drivers to take the vaccine. All these factors put a kink in the supply chain. You may notice supermarket shelves are looking sparse, food prices are rising. This was all planned. Why you may ask? If Chinese goods are not flowing what happens? China goes bankrupt.
China is a export country, they only get paid when they off load their exported goods here. Guess what? They are not getting paid! At the same time they have the Evergrande situation. Evergrande will lead to a dozen more institutions going bankrupt within China. This will destroy their economy and meanwhile they have no income coming in. Double whammy!! The economic fallout will spread to the USA so prepare, stock up on essential items.
There may be as many as half dozen countries that committed acts of war against the United States (Five Eyes) but the main aggressor is China. They unleashed a bioweapon on us and took part in the election steal. They have bought all of our politicians, judges and AG's. For this reason China became the main target. This is why we see 4 of our battle groups floating in the seas surrounding China.
Q spelled out the plan in the most simple term in Q post 4524. "[D] + China = 11.3" https://qanon.pub/#4524
Democrats + China = 11.3. You have to fill in what this simple equation means. 11.3 is not a date, its a chapter out of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual. If you have not read it, I suggest you do, here is the link. https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/law_war_manual15.pdf
Chapter 11.3 starts on page 750
The fact that democrats joined forces with a foreign country(China) to steal our election from us and now Biden Admin has assumed power, this makes them a Belligerent Occupier. Its like the USA setting down in Iraq 20 years ago, we became a occupier of Iraq. China (with cooperation from the democraps) has become a occupier of the USA. This is a act of war.
There are international codes for war. These are expected to be followed by all nations. If these codes are not followed you can expect United Nations/NATO involvement especially if they see human rights abuses. These codes are called the Geneva Convention Articles (GC). Here is the link. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf
If you look at 11.3 in the DOD manual you see they talk about GC. Trump does everything by the book. You may not like it but in order for us to get to the finish line we must play be the rules set down for us. If we break GC code we risk the globalists getting involved using NATO, remember we are also at war with the globalists and they would not hesitate getting involved if given a reason.
The DOD Law of War Manual (11.3) explains that GC code applies to both the belligerent occupier and the occupied territory(USA). After one year the GC obligation expires for the occupied territory. Remember China and Biden took control on 1/20/2021. One year will be 1/20/2022. After that date our military has the legal authority to take our country back, this is when 11.3 goes in to effect.
Read these Q drops very carefully.
In Q drop 15, you see "11.6 - Huma indicted"
11.6 in the DOD Law of War talks about "protected persons"
We have been told to follow Huma. Read these drops.
When Huma's husband (Anthony Weiner) was arrested for sexting a minor there were some laptops that were confiscated and one of them had a file called "Life Insurance" folder. Huma was Hillary's assistant. Huma knew the things the Clintons were doing was inhumane and she attempted to shield herself from prosecution by collecting a treasure trove of evidence. Huma kept all the incriminating evidence on the Clintons in the event the Clintons were arrested, she could turns states evidence against them and get leniency. This is why Huma is listed as a (11.6) protected person. She will be sitting in a future military tribunal testifying against Hillary and we all will get to watch.
Q says we have everything and they do, Huma gave it to them. The arrests start on 11.3 (1/20/2022) with the most vile creature on the planet, John Podesta.
I think it is at this point we will see the 10 days of darnkess, it is at this stage we will see suicide weekend, it is at this stage we will see the emergency broadcast system go in to effect. In the meantime, things are going to heat up. In the meantime we could possibly see more forensic audits, Ghislaine Maxwell's coconspirators, declass from Durham, but the main clean up of bad actors here domestically begins after January 20th.
I think the Q dissemination platform was designed to keep patriots calm. Q knows we are heavily armed and we could force our government officials out of office at a moments notice. What we could not accomplish though is the takedown of China and the globalists. We could effect change here domestically but we could never take down the real bad guys. Q had a plan and if we engaged we could have compromised the plan. So they gave us the clues we needed to see things are being dealt with. You can see on the world stage that the Q plan is working. China will soon fall. They are rattling their swords against Taiwan, this is a last ditch attempt to seem like a force to be reckoned with, they are not.
The globalists are also trying to push forward their Great Reset agenda using the pandemic. This will fail also, the people are pushing back. In six months from now the world will be a different place. Evil will be dead. Globalist organizations will crumble. One by one they will be exposed for crimes against humanity and the leaders will be executed. Just hang in there, get by the best you can. I know this shit sucks but its better than a kinetic war, we will get through this.
Stay safe and healthy my patriot frens!!
May God be by your side.
The most effective lies are always laced with truth. They aren't entirely wrong. Cops are corrupt and need to be held accountable. And are technically an Unconstitutional authority. They do need better education.
counterpoint: Cass Sunstein wrote in 2008 or thereabouts of the need to cognitively infiltrate conspiracy theorists groups and places where they congregate, like the chans, in order to steer them into supporting government plans. Previous iterations of Q/Q prototypes included FBI anon, CIA anon, WH Insider anon before alighting upon Q clearance patriot.
Both the Soros-funded globalist shill groups AND anons want to see the US Government and lots of US institutions dismantled.
The globalist agenda is to dismantle sovereign governments in order for a new one world government to be installed.
Q has successfully convinced a large swathe of 'conspiracy theorists' to support the governments plans to destroy the USA (in the same way that is happening to every other western country across the globe).
Anons are desperate to see the military impose order. Look at Australia. They will do it and they will tell you it's what you wanted because they cognitively infiltrated you and steered you into such beliefs.
Look at my like to dislike ration on the comment you're replying to - that is completely unheard of for me on this board. See how you're gradually being 'nudged' into alignment with BLM?
Did you not both protest the vaccine too? I used the word 'nudge' advisedly. It is the title of Cass Sunsteins book on how to manipulate the choices that people make, much as a magician would - through subtle, imperceptible cues and 'nudges'.
People should direct some attention to Sunstein and his plans and writings.
I'm not being nudged into anything. They're protesting tyrannical overreach. The only reason NOT to agree with them is because of engineered biases.
I see where you're trying to come from, but you are way off. I don't disagree with Bill Gates in that it's time for a reset. However his idea and mine are two completely different ways of doing this.
You can make all the assumptions about who controls what all you want, but rest assumed, I make my own decisions.
"I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny on the mind of man."
If I believe in this quote, then I must accept that cops are a form of tyranny and a lot of the inner city precincts are corrupt. However, it is also because they are not an accountable authority. We don't elect police chiefs and at the very least we should be able to.
You are not seeing people manipulated into the same goal. You seeing an awakening. Nice try (not really) in trying to convince us that bringing down the system is exactly what Soros wants. That is not at all what he wants and you could not be more wrong. Soros wants complete chaos. We want as peaceful a transition and collapse of the demonic system as possible and if we can't have that then so be it.
Believe what you want at the end of the day. This is a free exchange of ideas and you are free to exchange them no matter how wrong or misguided.
You don't even know the forces acting upon you.
Read Sunsteins ideas. It's called :Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures. Here it is: https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=452119066123069026023124102120090071116022007047022001077094097023122127121096021000107007021119049029017098090123098101021125122012004035040069068125066006064006025080044001023017025000065107107108092084124090068076066028101109112010098115122104069&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE
written in 2009 for Obama.
Even if you don't want to consider anything I've said (and it looks like you don't), then reading this will at least give you a heads up in the tactics governments use against you. It should be required reading for the mods here because they will learn the playbook of the notorious 'shill'
Yeah yeah and I'm secretly a racist whether I know it or not yatta yatta yatta. Heard it all before.
Your arrogance is astounding. First you try to dumb things down and then try to say that things are also more complex to the point where I am not even aware of what influences me and so forth. It's a nice comfort if you are one seeking to release yourself of personal responsibility, but in the end is more pseudo science garbage.
While you are entitled to speak, you're not entitle to be heard. My life will be better off without you in it.