"Nail in the coffin" ya' think? In normal times, and with normal people, you would be right. But we're up against some really sick creatures whose fealty is not to humanity but to some unseen principality of evil. I don't think for one moment that this will stop [THEM].
FWIW... I really appreciate when a person uses words like "fealty". Seriously. Our culture has gotten so far away from the beauty of our own language. Thanks for the reminder.
I love how they attempt to debunk Malone by saying “welll he didn’t INVENT it, there were many before who were working on it” it’s like saying Pythagoras didn’t invent the Pythagorean theorum cuz so many people before invented geometry and measured distances and algebraic equations that led to his invention
"Nail in the coffin" ya' think? In normal times, and with normal people, you would be right. But we're up against some really sick creatures whose fealty is not to humanity but to some unseen principality of evil. I don't think for one moment that this will stop [THEM].
FWIW... I really appreciate when a person uses words like "fealty". Seriously. Our culture has gotten so far away from the beauty of our own language. Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you, I truly do love the English language and mourn its dwindling richness.
"What we have heah...is an egregious failyuh to communicate". See?? One word changes everything!! 🤔
english language is fictional. It allows them To lie to us while appearing truthful. Also legalese.
Maritime law.. made to obfuscate the issues..
Preciate you... Like this?
How did you know that's where I live???
How many final nails are we up to now?
Well, if'n it were floating, it would lean to port by 10 degrees-watch your bubble..
What about this nail?
Microscopy Expert Dr. Robert Young: Covid Vials Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, Stainless Steel https://duckduckgo.com/?q=dr+robert+young+microscopy+expert+covid+19+vaccine+parasite&t=ffab&ia=web
Trypanosoma cruzi parasite photo: https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/trypanosoma-cruzi-parasite-picture-id1137554358?k=6&m=1137554358&s=170667a&w=0&h=9ZFswt4C-8j1GAsEvZ3LUR6tzMhoLQ8bSvkerQummgM=
Living Organism with Tentacles found in Covid vaccine by Dr Carrie Madej. Moves on its own. https://thereisnopandemic.net/2021/10/01/dr-carrie-madej-first-u-s-lab-examines-vaccine-vials-horrific-findings-revealed-29-september-2021/
Photo: https://thereisnopandemic.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/An-object-with-tentacles-that-was-moving-and-able-to-lift-itself-up-off-the-glass-slide-560x282.png
I love how they attempt to debunk Malone by saying “welll he didn’t INVENT it, there were many before who were working on it” it’s like saying Pythagoras didn’t invent the Pythagorean theorum cuz so many people before invented geometry and measured distances and algebraic equations that led to his invention
Besides, it appears that the Real Scientists have written off Dr. Malone as a misinformation monger...