posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +21 / -0

Recently there has been some chatter about fetal cells being used to produce COVID vaccines, and it seems the vaccine pushers do not want this to become a point of public debate.

What i can say about other vaccines, is that several of them do, in fact, use fetal cells for vaccine production, and these fetal cells were, in fact, ‘harvested’ from elective abortions.

These cell lines have names like WI-38, MRC-5, and HEK-293 and they even have their own wikipedia pages.




Vatican Statement on Vaccines Derived From Aborted Human Fetuses


Some vaccines use chicken eggs during vaccine production, and consequently some of the chicken egg residue winds up in the final vaccine product.

When this chicken egg residue is injected as part of the vaccine, it instigates an immune response to that chicken egg residue (protein). This man-made immune response is then deceptively referred to as chicken egg “allergy”.

So, by taking a vaccine that has chicken egg protein in it, you are causing your body to have an immune reaction to chicken eggs, which is why some people can’t take certain vaccines that are made with chicken eggs. People aren’t born being “allergic” to chicken eggs. The chicken egg allergy epidemic is man-made, by vaccine quacks.

Some vaccines are made using CHO, or Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells, which instigates an immune response to Ovaries, which is called PCOS, or ‘Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome’

PCOS is a so-called “auto-immune disorder”, where the body’s own immune system inexplicable attacks the ovaries.



Vaccines are known to cause Asperger’s (Autism), and Aspergers is highly associated with gender dysphoria.

Therefore, vaccines probably cause gender dysphoria, possibly because injecting male or female DNA into a male or female, might cause an auto-immune disorder that attacks the parts of the human body that make them male or female.

In other words, gender dysphoria is an auto-immune disorder.

And the reason the medical establishment is so keen on normalizing gender dysphoria, is because the alternative would be to admit vaccines cause trans-kids, and they know from previous experience that parents are easily spooked out of vaccinating kids, if they hear that vaccine may cause autism, or any other problem.

The medical establishments vaccine programs are one of their proudest achievements. They have convinced themselves vaccines have saved billions of lives. They are not about to admit that their crowning achievement has some unintended consequences, like causing an autism epidemic, or a trans epidemic, or an autoimmune disease epidemic.

To me, the vaccine debate has many very interesting aspects, such as the fact that vaccines cause fevers, autism, and SIDS,

But perhaps the most interesting thing about vaccines is how they can cause auto-immune disorders in almost every organ of the human body.


If the average lay person can understand how a vaccine can induce a man-made immune response to an intended antigen,

then its not hard for them to also understand how a vaccine can cause a man-made immune response to something un-intended, such as chicken eggs, ovaries, or human DNA.


I would suggest that we all do some research into COVID vaccines, and verify the fetal cell lines they use during production,

And then do some research on COVID vaccines, and the autoimmune disorders they are alleged to cause,

And then being those two ideas together, and present them to the whole world.

In case you missed it...

Vaccines Cause SIDS... Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
